After President Putin's address to Parliament, Samuel Huntington's theory about theclash of civilisations suddenly became fashionable. Drawing room conversations buzzed withreferences to Hans, Hindus, Islamists, Kashmir, Chechnya. But will civilisations clash, orwill they merge?
Thousands of years ago, events dissolving in the mists of mythology planted the rootsof Hinduism. Innumerable saints, mystics, mountebanks, heroes, warriors and priests fusedinto legend to produce what is called the Hindu way of life. After all these years andefforts, there are a little less than 800 million Hindus in the world.
It took over a thousand years for the Prophet Mohammed and his disciples to spread theteachings of Islam. Today Sunnis, Shias and Muslims of all categories total just over 900million in the world.
Two thousand years ago Jesus inspired countless apostles, preachers, reformers, saintsand popes to spread the gospel. They created Protestants, Catholics, Anglicans, followersof the Eastern Orthodox Church and other kinds of Christians. Together they are just overa billion in the world.
In just 10 years the TV serial Baywatch has reached two billion viewers. They watch theshow with religious zeal. A television advertisement asks: "What makes Baywatch themost watched programme in the history of the universe?"
It answers: "Watch it and find out for yourself."
A group watched the show to do just that. After it ended, each viewer expressed hisopinion.
Steve said: "What impressed me most was the dialogue. It was crisp and gripping. Iguess that's why two billion people watch it!"
"Anyone can write dialogue," Abdul sniffed. "The main attraction was theplot! I think it is the story writer who has made Baywatch such a huge success!"
"You guys are way off the mark," said Gopal. "The secret of its successlies in the excellent direction and superb acting! That's why people really love it!"
"Don't forget the photography," Wong said earnestly. "That superbseascape is what really gives the whole serial its extra quality!"
Just then the lone woman in the room broke in: "I was watching all of you whileyou watched the show, and I think the only reason all of you loved the show wasbecause..."
"Shut up!" everyone in the room roared together. "Nobody askedyou!"
Let the world, dear God,
Watch the bimbo!
Keep wars, please Lord,
In perpetual limbo!