
Bull's Eye

At last the truth about the demolition of the Babri Masjid is out.Actually it was not a masjid. It was just a structure. Not just a structure, but ...

Bull's Eye

Actually it was not a masjid. It was just a structure. Not just a structure, but a disputed structure. In fact, it really used to be a Hindu temple where Lord Ram was born.Well, it was destroyed by a bomb. Not a bomb really, but by a blast. Well, not quite a blast, but more like an explosion. We know this because rss chief Sudarshan said so. Well, not Sudarshan himself but Nirmala Deshpande whom Sudarshan quoted. Wait a minute. Nirmala Deshpande never said this. She says she was misquoted by the press.

Never mind. It was a bomb that destroyed the masjid that was a disputed structure that was an ancient mandir. We know this because Kunwar Dharam Vir Singh Rawal confirmed this to Sudarshan. Rawal didn't plant the bomb himself. He merely heard the blast. The bomb was planted by a Muslim Rajput named Anis Ahmed Gehlot.

Gehlot told this to Rawal. Unfortunately Gehlot can't tell us because he is dead. His son denies everything.

Despite such evidence, there are sceptics who refuse to accept the truth. There is Rajju Bhaiyya. He's the former rss boss of Sudarshan. Rajju Bhaiyya says kar sevaks went out of control and demolished the masjid that was a disputed structure that was an ancient mandir.

vhp leader Vinay Katiyar says that's absolute rubbish. Kar sevaks did not go out of control. They followed orders. They deliberately broke the masjid that was a disputed structure that was an ancient mandir.

The spokesman for the late Balasaheb Deoras who was Rajju Bhaiyya's boss who was Sudarshan's boss said that Deoras had believed that the demolition was done by raw. But Deoras too is dead.

Uma Bharati excitedly jumped when the masjid that was a disputed structure that was an ancient mandir fell. She told the Liberhan Commission that she couldn't remember what happened that day. A few days later she did remember. She had gone to defend the masjid that was a disputed structure that was an ancient mandir.

So now we have the truth. The rss revealed it. rss revealed it because rss builds character. Well, not really character, but discipline. Not discipline, but obedience. Not exactly obedience, but...

Feet of clay, head of gold—
Old perversions
In new versions,
Fresh lies daily told!
