
Bull's Eye

China and Pakistan are similar. Both have governments that are either brazenly hypocritical or badly divided between civilian and military authorities. ...

Bull's Eye

China's links with the Taliban and Pakistani terrorists are confirmed. China cooperated with the US and Pakistan to train Afghan mujahideen against the Soviets. Those links endure. During Kargil, China supplied arms to the terrorists and monitored their movements from PoK. Last fortnight, China refused to support UN sanctions against Taliban.

Now China is lobbying with the Shanghai Five Security Forum to make Pakistan a member. What can be more absurd? Pakistan describes Afghan terrorists operating in Kashmir as "Kashmiri freedom fighters". It gives them "diplomatic support" while they kill innocents.

Russia has resisted Pakistani membership. But is China's membership less absurd? Perhaps Russia has its compulsions. China is a good market for its arms. Russia badly needs the money. America too has reasons for ignoring Chinese hypocrisy. China is a huge market. Greed fuels American policy to "engage" China though the latter tramples human rights, supports international terrorism, and proliferates missiles.

Why should India participate in the hypocrisy? The peace initiative is its manifestation. The question isn't whether Musharraf is democratic. Nor, as US-based Track-II diplomat Mansoor Ijaz argues in a newspaper article, whether Nawaz was as much responsible for Kargil as Musharraf. The question is: will Musharraf denounce the extremists in Pakistan? There's no sign that he will. Nawaz decided to confront the extremists. He ordered his army to disarm them. Within 48 hours came the coup. India should learn from the event. It's useless "engaging" with a puppet. One must confront the puppeteer.

When this appears in print, Li Peng will be in town. He is a hardliner. He masterminded the Tiananmen massacre. He opposed China's entry into the wto. Behind closed doors, the PM should mince no words. Our relationship with Pakistan is more special than China's relationship with Taiwan. If Li cannot appreciate this, there are other options.

For your troubles, this simple cure:
Don't take a tough stand,
Bury your head in the sand,
If troubles keep on, just endure!
