Ive lived in Cumbala Hill in south Mumbai for over 30 years. Nothing much haschanged about it over the years. Most of the buildings around today were there even when Imoved in, including the landmark Jaslok Hospital. But those days it was not a hospital, itwas meant to be a hotel. I dont know why it eventually became a hospital. The famousCarmichael Road that runs beside Cumbala Hill is very interesting. The residents who linethe road are very united and conscious of the surroundings that they call home.
Their permission and approval is sought before anything is done around that area.Thats one reason why no new building has come up on Carmichael Road all these years,other than two or three aberrations, like the Usha Kiran building which at one time wasthe tallest in Mumbai. The arterial Peddar Road, however, continues to be a problem. Ithas always had dense traffic even though it has been widened from time to time. But theplan to make a flyover at Peddar Road is silly and will not achieve anything. I wontbe directly affected by the flyover as Im protected by a few rows of buildings aheadbut Im part of the campaign against the construction. Making it a one-way roadduring the rush hour is a better idea but I wonder if the government is listening.Otherwise, Cumbala Hill is a wonderful area. Its one of the relatively quiet placesin Mumbai.