Sans Frontiers

TURKEY The Islamic nation withdrew from a landmark European treaty protecting women from violence that it was the first country to sign 10 years ago and that bears the name of its largest city. The Istanbul Convention states that men and women have equal rights and obliges authorities to prevent gender-based violence and prosecute perpetrators.


RUSSIA President Vladimir Putin was vaccinated against COVID-19 out of sight of cameras, prompting questions whether the gesture will boost low immunisation rates in Russia. Only 6.3 million, or 4.3% of the population, have received at least one dose of a vaccine. Surveys show the number of Russians reluctant to get vaccinated with the domestically developed Sputnik V shot has grown in recent months.


AUSTRALIA Heavy rainfall across Australia’s east coast has inundated vast tracts in New South Wales state where some 18,000 residents have fled their homes. Years of drought across most of the state culminated in catastrophic wildfires last Southern Hemisphere summer. The fires were followed by the pandemic and now record floods.