
6 Best Sites to Buy Monetized YouTube Channels Cheap

It may be difficult to monetize your channel and turn it into a full-time occupation, no matter how hard you work. So, it makes sense to invest in a pre-existing, monetized YouTube channel.

Monetized YouTube Channels

Developing a popular YouTube channel in the current climate can be a challenging endeavor. Consistently churning high-quality content that connects with your audience and prompts them to share it with others requires a lot of time, energy, and dedication. 

However, it may be difficult to monetize your channel and turn it into a full-time occupation, no matter how hard you work.

So, it makes sense to invest in a pre-existing, monetized YouTube channel. It's a way to save time and get to work on monetizable content rather than devote energy to building a channel from scratch. 

You need to find a reliable website to buy from, given the abundance of options. This article will explore the best sites to buy monetized YouTube channels.

Best Sites to Buy Monetized YouTube Channels Cheap

Here are some of the top sites to choose from for buying Monetized Youtube Channels:

1.    UseViral

​​​​​​​UseViral is one of the best options available if you want to purchase a monetized YouTube channel to help you make money on the platform.
Their monetized YouTube channel package is precious. Your new channel will be ready for monetization with its 1000+ subscriber base and more than 4000 hours of watch time.

UseViral's secure and novel monetization strategy stands out. By filling out a brief questionnaire about your ideal market and video production needs, they take the time to get to know you and your preferences. 

Then, to ensure you understand what you're paying for, they'll give you a rundown of the extras included with each channel.
Not only do they come packed with valuable extras, but they also come at a reasonable price and have excellent response times from their customer service team. 

They've been doing this long enough to know what their customers want, so they streamline the transfer process. You can confidently purchase from them because of their trustworthy return policy.

2.    SidesMedia

SidesMedia is an established social media growth strategist that recently added the option to purchase existing YouTube channels with existing revenue streams. The site's greatness lies in its assistance not only restricted to YouTube but is available for any social media platform.

SidesMedia is one of the best options for purchasing successful YouTube channels with advertising revenue. They promise only to use human editors on your social media accounts, and they can help you find them. That means the content on your YouTube channel will be genuine and not generated by a bot.

They have a money-back guarantee if you have any security concerns, and their customer service is available 24/7 to answer any questions. On top of that, they have the lowest prices and the easiest-to-use website in the industry.

The site offers a wide variety of YouTube marketing services, including the purchase of subscriber counts and the improvement of engagement metrics, in addition to the purchase of already-profitable channels on the platform.

SidesMedia's long-standing market reputation makes them one of your most dependable options for purchasing monetized YouTube channels.

3.    Eazy Viral

Among the available options, Eazy Viral is also another excellent choice. There are numerous channels to choose from, including bot-based and organic channels, each with a different number of subscribers and viewing times. 

In addition to promising that no content on any of their channels will infringe on the rights of others, they also make it simple to monetize your videos.

If you use Eazy Viral, you can be confident that your AdSense account will always be operational and that you will always have access to high-quality videos. They also offer packages at reasonable prices for those who want to subscribe to multiple channels.

They are among the best places to buy a profitable YouTube channel due to their user-friendly interface and helpful staff. You can buy from them with confidence because they offer a money-back guarantee.

4.    AudienceGain

Audience Gain is a reputable platform that offers various social media marketing services, one of which is the ability to purchase a monetized YouTube channel. They have a proven track record, and the purchasing process is simple.

One of Audience Gain's standout qualities is the quality of the customer service provided before, during, and after the purchase process.

Their channels have grown organically so they won't get demonetized or shut down, and their high rating among users proves they're trustworthy. Furthermore, if you are unhappy with the results you get from using their services, you can get your money back.

The site accepts many different payment types to prevent fraudulent use of accounts. You can join the YouTube Partner Program with the help of their provided channels, which already have 1,000 subscribers and enough watch hours, and the Google AdSense account they set you up with is geo-targeted to your country.
The team at Audience Gain is confident that well-planned marketing initiatives can help YouTube channels become sustainable businesses. 

Their team of experts will listen to your concerns and work with you to develop a strategy to promote your channel. They only use high-quality, organic methods, so you'll never stick out or look like spam.

5.    Fameswap

Fameswap is a flexible marketplace for trading and buying Monetized YouTube accounts. One thing that makes Fameswap stand out is how selective it is about the channels it features. 

They offer a safe method of communication between buyers and vendors through an internal messaging system.

The site is unique because users can invest in channels covering a wide range of topics, from fashion and beauty to sports and entertainment. 

They also ensure that viewers will view the videos uploaded to the channel. Another perk is that they are entirely transparent, so buyers can see subscriber and revenue data for any channel or account they're considering.

Fameswap is a marketplace where users can buy and sell channels, and users can set their own prices for the channels they're selling. This platform is versatile and safe because buyers and sellers can communicate directly and negotiate terms. 

Customers are able to find the most relevant channels for their needs and budgets by sorting them based on subscriber count and channel revenue.

6.    EazySMM

EazySMM offers a unique service for those starting on their YouTube journey. They provide monetized YouTube channels at a low price and have a deep understanding of what niches succeed on YouTube and which don't, thanks to their years of experience in the field. 

They watch over their clients to ensure they always get a growing organic audience in a safe and healthy niche. All the channel views and subscriptions you see on their end come from genuine, working accounts. The client will receive the monetized account within 12 to 48 hours of the purchase.

When marketing your videos on YouTube, the site has everything you need. They offer several services that promote the natural expansion of channels. 
If you're looking to expand your social media marketing efforts, EazySMM can help with that, too. Due to their innovative design, YouTube channels are more viable than ever before for generating income.

Why Should You Buy a Monetized YouTube Channel?

Reduced effort and time

Attracting brand-new followers can be a laborious process. Acquiring a channel with a dedicated fan base allows you to skip over the time-consuming process of growing your subscriber base from scratch. This means you have an instant, ready-to-consume audience to begin creating content.

Revenue prospects

Potential income from established content is a major draw for those considering the purchase of a monetized YouTube channel. 
A well-established channel allows you to capitalize on content that has already attracted a sizable audience and earns money from ads and sponsorships. With no initial investment in content creation, you can begin making money immediately.

Gaining exposure to a receptive audience

Purchasing an already popular channel is a great way to reach people interested in what you offer. You won't have to build up an audience from scratch because the channel already has one. You can promote your content to people who have already shown interest in similar material.

Educational chance

Learn what works for content and viewer engagement by analyzing the most watched videos on a well-established channel. Understanding your audience's likes and dislikes in this way can help you create content that resonates with them more strongly.

Greater possibility of success

You're laying the groundwork for future success by investing in a profitable YouTube channel. Once you have a steady stream of readers and income, you can devote your time and energy to producing the kind of excellent content that will keep them coming back for more. 
Compared to starting from scratch, this method of expanding your channel will save you time and effort.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is purchasing monetized YouTube channels safe?

While buying a profitable YouTube channel is not particularly unsafe, there are risks that buyers should be aware of.
Selling or buying a channel is against YouTube's terms of service and could result in YouTube taking action against the channel, including demonetizing or deleting it. 

Second, the seller could have used unethical means to increase the channel's subscriber base or view counts, which could lead to a suspension from YouTube's service.

How much does it cost to purchase a Monetized YouTube channel?

There are numerous factors that affect a monetized YouTube channel's value, like the size and activity level of the channel's audience, content type, and the channel's level of monetization.

Lower costs are associated with a smaller channel with fewer subscribers and views than a more significant channel with a more engaged audience and higher earnings.

You should know that buying a profitable YouTube channel can be a risky business. YouTube's monetization policies, content, and viewership are just a few of the variables that can affect the channel's revenue.

What’s the process of buying a Youtube channel?

Due to Google's strict IP address and YouTube account policies, transferring a channel can be time-consuming. The chances of your account being monetized right away are incredibly slim.

After a standard seven-day transfer period, full ownership is transferred, and you can create new content for the channel. However, there may be delays if YouTube detects any suspicious activity. You can still access your channel immediately, but Adsense approval may take longer.


Acceptance into the YouTube Partner program is the first step toward creating a successful channel. Even though maintaining growth after this significant milestone will be much more difficult, you should still be able to generate substantial monthly profits from your newly monetized YouTube channel if you take the right approach and use the right tools.

By utilizing one of the best sites to buy monetized YouTube channels discussed in this article, you can avoid the headache of starting from scratch to build the successful YouTube channel of your dreams.

Disclaimer: The above is a contributor post, the views expressed are those of the contributor and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.