
How To Know Correct Birth Time

Take astrologer as a guide who uses the accurate birth time for astrological predictions, checks Navamsa kundli for analysis, tries to work on the positivity of the horoscope, guides you Karmic way.

Vinay Bajrangi
Vinay Bajrangi

Many wonder how the difference of a few minutes matters in birth chart analysis and astrological predictions. Understand a very simple point that all born on the earth fall under twelve rising signs (24 hours/ 12 rising signs = 2 hours). It means one rising sign remains the same for 2 hours. Now, you have one Janam Lagna chart based on ascendant within those two hours. However, the Lagna chart has many divisional charts, which are the essence of any astrological predictions. The Celestial bodies are constantly moving, which means within seconds/minutes, the position of one star can shift from one divisional chart to another. Once planets change their placement, planetary combinations in a divisional chart will change, largely if not totally. So, how can the predictions based only on Lagna janam chart be accurate?

Importance of birth time accuracy in predictions

Try to understand the importance of birth time accuracy in astrology and predictions. In astrology, predictions are based on Nakshatras, dasha, and transits, but finer predictions come only when such things are seen from divisional charts, known as Shodashavarga (Sixteen divisional charts). Lagna chart changes after two hours but the divisional charts like D-9, D-10, D-12 OR D-60 can change multiple times within these two hours.

The Ascendant moves about 1 degree on average every four minutes. Once this happens, the planets in one particular house will shift to the next or previous house or may shift by 2 to 3 houses. Thus, every minute counts, and that is the significance of accurate birth time in astrological predictions. Therefore, knowing your correct birth time is important since each degree impacts your personality and the results of all stars in a particular house of the natal chart will change. That is where you find the ultimate horoscopes of twins born within a difference of 2 to 5 minutes can be entirely different, though the main rising sign/ascendant may not change.

CAUTION: Without the correct birth time, going for any astrological guidance is not advisable, as explained above. You will understand by reading the example below. D-9 Chart/ Navamsa Kundli, the soul of any horoscope, changes every 2 – 3 minutes. One SHOULD NOT DEPEND on any astrological analysis/predictions if you don't have your accurate birth details BECAUSE even if some of the predictions come true, it will be a fluke like an arrow in the dark. Many astrologers consider only D-1 a rising sign and ignore such an accuracy in the birth time. Later, when predictions go wrong, astrologers have an excuse that you did not give an accurate birth time, and the blame game starts. But it does not help you as it is your life decision. This article attempts to give good guidance before depending on any astrologer/astrological analysis and not to make excuses when predictions fail. By that time, apart from losing money, you might have lost the good transits and dasha that could have given you the desired results. On top of that, astrology as a science gets backbite due to mishandling by a particular person.

See a small illustration below to understand the importance of the accuracy of Janam time in astrological predictions.

Accuracy of Janam Time In Astrological Predictions

It clearly shows, how D-9 is changing at different timings with Lagna rising sign remaining the same.

How birth time rectification is done

The method for birth time rectification can be different, but the best method for rectification is based on the person's Life Events. One should know that every person’s birth chart has specific houses for all life events, grandparents, parents, wife, siblings, kids, friends, marriage, education, profession, health, foreign travels, diseases etc, etc. The stars in a birth chart in different houses are positioned based on your past lives, intrinsic relationship with these persons, and life events. The placement of different planets in Varga charts in the Lagna chart decipher it all. The inputs regarding the person based on the following events are placed in the Shodasvarga charts by the astrologer.

For this inputs required with month and year ( if the exact date is not known)

You were born naturally/ C Section or through artificial methods.

When did you go and left school.

Major classes/examinations/courses passed.

Joining and leaving job/jobs

Relationship - started and any issues therein (if any)

Started or closed any business

Birth of siblings


Birth of child/children/any miscarriage or mishap related to child

Grand Parents ( living/departure status both maternal/paternal)

Parents alive very good. Else their departure dates.

Any foreign travel and its purpose.

Any major injury/accident.

Any major event you recall that would have made a significant impact on your life.

Maybe if the inputs are inadequate to reach the final birth time, the astrologer might ask some more questions. Then, the accurate birth is derived. This is how the birth time rectification is done, provided the approximation in birth time is within two hours. Not that the BTR cannot be done if the time approximation is more than two hours, but then one needs to discuss it with the concerned persons before moving for Birth time rectification.

With D-9 Navamsa Kundli changing even once, all planets of 1 house can shift by 1 or 2 places or may be more. It is not right to influence the reader to give examples lest people with 15/20 minutes time difference in birth time will start deriving inferences. But, how important is accuracy in birth time for predictions? You can read more about how important is accurate birth time for predictions.

Can predictions be given without accurate birth time

No, Kundali cannot be made without accurate birth details: birth date, time and place of place are essential ingredients for making any birth chart. This is based on the Kalpatra principle of Vedic astrology where, the person where born at what date and time is the essence for making any horoscope. Many suggest the methods of Palm reading, face reading or giving predictions based on Prashana Kundali. The Prashana chart is ok using the HORA effect for predictions, but it should be used to know the HORA effect ( the relevance of time when the question is asked) only when the astrologer has accurate birth details. Hora Prashana chart should not be used for giving normal astrological predictions. About the other methods of giving birth chart predictions without accurate birth details, I have no comments. The accurate Janam time is the essence for both, Sun rising Sign and Moon rising sign. The only difference is that in Western Astrology, we consider Sun rising sign and in the Vedic astrology, we consider Moon rising sign. Navamsa chart and birth time accuracy is the essence of astrological predictions in both.

Take astrologer as a guide who uses the accurate birth time for astrological predictions, checks Navamsa kundli for analysis, tries to work on the positivity of the horoscope, guides you Karmic way.

Another message to all readers is not to go for auto-generated life reports and also not to discuss the entire horoscope with an astrologer for life as things that have to come after 15/20 years depend on how you peddle the present aspects of your life.

Do not think an astrologer can shape your whole life without you mending your karmic ways. But for this, you should know, how to judge the astrologer.

Just keep in mind that no horoscope is good or bad. Try to know about the negative combinations in your natal chart, implement karma correction to convert them to positives.

Any specific issues, connect with my office @ +91 9278555588/9278665588.

Best Wishes

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