
Know Your Marriage Timing From Birth Date

In astrology, giving marriage timing predictions according to date of birth is a definite tool.

Vinay Bajrangi
Vinay Bajrangi

Sometimes, the person himself wants to know marriage timing for self and sometimes, the parents want to know about the marriage timing of their children. Any delay in marriage mostly makes a person scratching around the planetary combinations to know the marriage timing. When will a person get married, or to know your marriage timing is fine, but what if a person’s intent itself is not there to marry? Yes, don’t get surprised; many times, there are genuine but self-created reasons not to marry at a particular time.

A troubled mother asked what she should do as her son is not getting married despite performing several remedies suggested by many astrologers she recently visited. She was primarily worried about his son's marriage timing. Below is a very interesting example of this.

Marriage is a common phenomenon, but the timing of when a person will get married raises curiosity. Astrologically, the timing of marriage depends on three things:

  1. The marriage yoga,

  2. Ongoing dasha and

  3. Transit of the planets.

  4. Beyond this is another factor: the intent of the person to get married. Yes, you may find it strange, but it is a very relevant factor in the present. That is how this article will look a little different from what you have read so far.

Remember one thing: Nothing works in isolation in astrology or in practical life, and all these factors should be conducive and supportive in tandem for any marriage to happen at the right time. There can be favourable yoga and supportive Dasha, but if a person does not want to marry, even the most conducive astrological situations will not help! And this is called missing the right cycle to get married.

Can astrology give Marriage timing predictions

Yes, one can get predictions for marriage timing using astrology and the date of birth/birth details of the person.  In astrology, the Dasha system helps to know the occurrence of life events and becomes the basis for marriage time prediction. A Dasha for marriage or a marriage cycle suggests marriage can happen during that time. The Dasha period spans several years, and an experienced astrologer's task is to pinpoint the specific year or month of marriage based on the Yoga, Dasha, Antardasha, and transit of the planets. The planet gives its results through its activation during its Dasha. If the planet indicating your marriage activates your marriage yoga and you show disinterest in getting married or don't intend to get married during that time, the planet's effects will pass into oblivion.

So, one can get marriage predictions using astrology, but marriage will actually happen if the person is also interested in getting married within those times. A good astrologer knows what planets/houses /combinations are seen for marriage time prediction. However, the person's readiness to marry is equally essential for those marriage timing predictions to come true.  

Planetary combinations seen for marriage predictions

Combinations responsible for a timely marriage or to predict the marriage timing are not just one, but many astrological combinations need to be seen for marriage prediction.

  1. The 7th house is the prime house to be seen for Marriage predictions.

  2. The second house, the Kutumba(family expansion) sthana, shows an addition to the family. This is also the house of fate, as a person's fate can change after marriage.

  3. The 11th house, the Laabha sthana which, shows gains, the desire for marriage to be fulfilled.

  4. The planet Venus is the significator of Marriage (Karaka).

  5. Rahu Dasha or Antardasha can influence marriage timing.

  6. Ketu's presence in the marriage charts can delay a person’s marriage.

  7. The 7th, 2nd, 11th & Karaka Venus should be connected with Dasha, bhukti & the antra lords during the Marriage event.

  8. Once we connect with the marriage significator houses with the lords of the DBA (Dasa- Bhukti & Antra), we should analyze the transit chart to CONFIRM & PINPOINT the event. When the DBA lords confirm the events, then we see if the same planets are getting connected with the significator houses (2–7–11) & Karaka Venus in the transit chart on the day of the event.

All these combinations seen for marriage indicate the best marriage cycle for a person. It is not only one but can be many marriage cycles and missing 1 or 2 such cycle is ok. But if we keep missing these cycles, sometimes the combinations responsible for marriage timing can go sulky. Within the right marriage timing cycles, normal efforts can make a person marry, which can become a marathon exercise when these marriage combinations are not that supportive. This is nothing to scare or disappoint but a finding based on practical experience in giving marriage predictions from birth date/kundli.

Usually, you find astrologers considering the first four points for making marriage predictions. But then point nos 5 to 8, and again, the person's intent plays a vital role in fructifying the marriage predictions. So, all these factors and astrological combinations are seen in marriage timing predictions from the horoscope.

In addition to seeing the planets/houses seen for marriage prediction, any good astrologer should also delve a bit deeper into the longevity and quality of marriage. For this, the analysis of Jupiter, Venus, Moon, the seventh house, and its Lord, D-1 and D-9, are seen for longevity and quality of marriage.

It is important to know the quality of married life than simply looking for predictions for marriage timings.

The birth chart shows past Karmas and issues in the 7th house, or Venus simply emanates from your past life. Any affliction to Venus does not deny a marriage to a person. Everyone can enjoy married life provided one knows the best time to get married. And for this, one should know about the favourable transit. There is a favourable transit for every planet, which is what one needs to notice to know the best time for marriage.

How can marriage timing predictions fail

Why will the marriage predictions fail? It can be due to miscalculations by the astrologer, or there can be something unique. Returning to the initial second para above, one wonders why, despite the best possible predictions for marriage timing, the person does not get married. Marriage prediction by birth date is fine but sometimes, intent/some hidden agenda with the person concerned can also fail astrological predictions for marriage time.

Case history: One highly qualified, well-settled male professional in the USA, 25 May, 1992, 11.47 am, Chennai. His mother, also a well-known surgeon in India, got three reports for his marriage timings.

  • As per the reports, he should have been married from April to November 2019, June to December 2020 or March to September 2021. Maybe due to pressure from his mother, he said, ok, start searching for my life partner.

  • His mother got 12 horoscopes matched, with 8 being good proposals. But still, he rejected on some or the other pretexts. His mother obviously had no clue and was quite desperate.

  • Now, you see how things took a turn as all three factors were already conducive, barring his intent to marry.

  • His D-10 was read, and it showed predominance of the 10th house over his 7th house.

  • He was, in fact, waiting for his PhD to be completed. This happened in November 2023, and now he himself started pushing his mother to reconnect with all the good matches she had in hand.

All went fine, and the marriage was fixed for August 2024.

So, it is not that the marriage predictions failed, but there was something else, and similar reasons can be a very common phenomenon in the present times. No one is to be blamed, but then we must delve deeper into all this. Mind you, this intent to marry or not marry also can be well-read from the birth chart as was seen from his 10th house. The 7th house falls at the 10th place from the 10th house (the house of career), making it the secondary house of marriage. The tenth house hints at whether the person gives much importance to marriage or profession. In some cases, it may also affect the intent to marry. This is more evident in females these days. A strong tenth house indicates a strong inclination towards a career. So, in such cases, the marriage prediction according to birth date/horoscope may not come true.

There are N numbers of such examples. Another very prominent reason for not marrying in time, according to marriage predictions by date of birth, is the presence of Mangal dosha. One wonders how Mangal dosha can lead to the failure of marriage predictions according to date of birth.

Can Mangal dosha affect marriage timing

Mangal dosha can affect marriage timing prediction provided the person is actually Manglik. The presence of Mangal dosha is surely a scare to put many proposals away from you. The effect of Mangal dosha on marriage timings becomes more concerning if we go as per the traditional narrative i.e the person with Mangal (Mars) in 6 out of 12 houses i.e. in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th house makes a person Manglik. You would be surprised that over 50% natives who are treated as Manglik due to the above misconception are not Manglik at all. But they could be rejected due to Manglik Dosha effect. If the presence of so-called Mangal dosha is affecting your marriage, you must read on what to do for Mangal Dosha.

Love or arranged marriage: can be a deciding factor in marriage timing predictions.

Love, or arranged marriage, is a personal decision. But the factor of love can also affect marriage timings.  A person in love may not be free to express the feelings either to the partner or, more so, to the family, for whatever reason. But then, as explained above, the marriage cycle keeps running away. This is another factor that can affect marriage timing predictions. Love marriages are very successful with some small riders, so be free to speak up about your love and do not let the marriage predictions slip away from you.

In the same way, sometimes the sketch drawn for the marriage partner, either by the family or yourself, can be a factor in letting the marriage predictions slip away. This includes inter-caste marriages and expectation for a partner strictly as per your own parameters.

In astrology, giving marriage timing predictions according to date of birth is a definite tool but then to marry within the right cycle depends on the person concerned also.

Generally, the focus remains on Venus and the 7th house when we consult an astrologer for marriage. The astrologer calculates the favourable Dasha spanning years and predicts your marriage to fall at a specific time. Still, to your disappointment, the marriage is delayed, as was the case with the mother we started with. So, what is the missing part and why late marriage? Apart from the favourable marriage Dasha and promises in the birth chart, the transit of planets plays a crucial role in knowing the best timing for your marriage.

Planets keep moving, and there are favourable transits or, say, positive time windows every now and then. Every year, you can encash the positive energies of the favourable transits to make marriages happen. But we must first know the favourable planet and its positive transit. Once we miss the right marriage cycle, we move towards late marriage situation.

Free marriage predictions by birth date

There are many tools available to get free marriage predictions according to date of birth. You enter birth details to know the right time for marriage. But do these tools consider the practical, social and economical circumstances of the native to support marriage within the time predicted for marriage? Do these tools consider the timing of marriage using the Navamsa chart or only the Lagana chart? Free marriage predictions can be an indication but one must consult an astrologer to find marriage time using Navamsa chart. One can read more on marriage predictions from birth chart.

Solutions for timely/early marriage

To marry within the right time, one should know the best marriage cycle, have the intent to marry within those marriage timings, look for a suitable life partner, check the compatibility with the partner and have marital bliss forever. Use the free marriage prediction calculator only as an indicator, but meeting a good astrologer for timely/early marriage is better.

Just ensure that while taking marriage predictions according to birth details, you have the accurate birth time and the astrologer gives marriage time predictions using Navamsa chart. For any specific query, connect with my office on +91 9278555588/ 9278665588.

Useful read about kundli marriage predictions:

How to know who will be your life partner – future life partner predictions.

Is Mangal dosha causing delay in your marriage – what to do for Mangal Dosha

Disclaimer: The above is a contributor post, the views expressed are those of the contributor and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.

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