
What Is Mangal Dosha

Clearing Misconceptions about Mangal Dosha


Mangal Dosha, Kuja Dosha, or Manglik Dosha in Vedic astrology is the most common Dosha that most of us hear. This is probably the only Dosha blamed for all kinds of marriage problems. People give too much importance to Mangal Dosha, disregarding the impact of other planets. Some astrologers see Mangal Dosha as such a blemish that the person is probably born with a black spot in their marriage and then suggest Totkas or non-existent remedies to overcome the effects of Mangal Dosha. While Mangal Dosha has its significance, it should not overshadow the impact of other planets. Having a Mangal Dosha in the Kundli doesn't necessarily mean your marriage or marital bliss is at stake! Let me tell you, out of 100 people coming to me and showing concern that the Manglik Dosha is hampering their marriage, more than 85% do not have Mangal Dosha: they are not Manglik. This is because the actual methods to check if you have a Mangal Dosha are not known to the majority. Let's find the truth behind the Mangal Dosha and clear out misconceptions attached to it.

What is Manglik Dosha/Kuja Dosha

As the name suggests, it is a Dosha created by the planet Mars or Mangal or Kuja. As we generally read, Mars, placed in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th houses, creates a Manglik Dosha. In many interpretations, it is believed to create problems in married life. But do you know that actual Mangal Dosha can be ascertained only after seeing the placement of Mars in specific houses in different Rashis in a particular birth chart? Therefore, only a competent astrologer can understand what Manglik Dosha/Kuja Dosha is and can say if a person is really Manglik.  

Are you Manglik 

In my two decades of astrology practice, I find 85% of people who fear they have Manglik Dosha are not Manglik at all. And even if you are Manglik, I can say there are very few individuals from this balance 15% also, whose Manglik Dosha could not be nullified. So, to know if you are Manglik, first, catch hold of an astrologer who really knows to check Manglik Dosha. The concept and theory of Mangal Dosha are greatly flawed and need to be properly practised. 

I can only say that due to so many misconceptions on Mangal Dosha, you may be rejecting or getting rejected by someone, who could be your best life partner.

Before any conclusion, if you are Manglik, just consider reading the below facts about Mangal/Manglik Dosha. 

  • Can one planet, Mars, become so powerful that it swallows the positivity of all the other planets?

  • How can only one planet (Mars) work while others remain silent? 

  • If Mars creates a Mangal Dosh in Kundli, other malefic planets like Saturn should also create Shani Dosha.

  • Mars is a natural malefic planet, but as lordship, exaltation, etc., almost seventy per cent of the time, it plays the role of a supportive planet for the horoscope. So, why blame it all the time without knowing its actual impact on a horoscope?

If you're worried about the negatively exaggerated Mangal Dosha, you can use a reliable Mangal Dosha calculator to check your horoscope. It's, however, recommended that you seek advice from an expert in horoscope reading instead of just deriving conclusions by reading online.

The following are answers to a few more questions that come to your mind or that you hear normally. 

Does Mangal/Kuja Dosha end after the age of 28 years?

If you have Mangal Dosha in your Kundli, it will remain forever, but its intensity and fierceness will be neutralized after age 28.

Can one ever get rid of Manglik Dosha?

It is recommended that you get your horoscope checked for Manglik Dosha, as there is a high probability that you may not have this Dosha at all. Around 85% per cent of individuals who are classified as Mangliks do not have this Dosha. 

Can Manglik/Kuja Dosha delay the marriage?

Delaying marriage is often attributed to Mangal Dosha, but other planets may also be responsible, with Mars playing a supportive role. So, you cannot attribute the delay in marriage only to Mangal Dosha, but yes, misconceptions, as explained above, can surely get you rejections from many. Delays in marriage can be due to a person's personal reasons, family situations, or off-late professional preferences, which have also become major reasons for delays in marriage.  

The best remedy for Kuja dosha/Mangal dosha 

It is impossible to eliminate Mangal Dosha from your horoscope if it is present. Some websites claim to provide instant remedies by checking Mangal Dosha, but it is essential to question their reliability and motivations.

If you are looking for effective Manglik Dosha remedies, then you need to understand and think deeply. Mars gives hot temperament, aggression, undue desires, frustration, and blind following. These qualities affect the marital bliss. The best remedy for Mangal Dosha is to marry after matching the charts. The best remedy for Manglik Dosha is to marry after the Kundli matching. It will help counterbalance your flaws or Dosha with the good combinations or Yoga in your partner's chart. And the best solution for Mangal Dosha is to Karma correction as suggested by a competent astrologer. The astrologer suggests modifications in lifestyle and behaviour based on the individual characteristics of a Manglik girl and a Manglik boy. 

Following mindless totkas and other materialistic rituals cause more harm than good. Such impractical remedies will only negatively emphasize the otherwise noble planet Mars, particularly in married life. Going to a temple, performing a Pooja or many such suggestions will not help you.  

Can a Manglik marry a non-Manglik?

Can a Manglik marry a non-Manglik and vice-versa is the biggest misconception! Yes, a Manglik can marry a non-Manglik and vice-versa. Because if we go by the universally circulated facts, the presence of Mars in 6 houses creates Manglik Dosha (means 50% of the people have Manglik Dosha) and they should not marry a non-Manglik ( the balance 50%).

So, who should marry whom?

Therefore, first check the actual presence and relevance of your Manglik Dosha, as it can be deceptive many times! Even if you have a Mangal Dosha, you can surely marry a non-Manglik person. You should consult a good astrologer before making your decision.

I have tried to explain many misconceptions about Manglik/Mangal Dosha and the simplest and most effective ways to deal with Kuja Dosha. One can read more at what is Mangal Dosha. For any specific query, connect with my office at +919278665588 or 9278555588

Disclaimer: The above is a contributor post, the views expressed are those of the contributor and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.

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