
When Will I Get Married?

When you will get married depends on the right marriage cycle indicated from the seventh house and the position of the main planets Venus, Jupiter and the seventh house lord in the seventh house.

Astrologer Vinay Bajrangi
Astrologer Vinay Bajrangi

When will I get married or when will my child get married, is a very common anxiety in people's minds. To get married, one needs two things: intent to marry and the planetary combinations for timely marriage. Yes, intent to marry is equally important before you know when I/my child will get married.

When you will get married depends on the right marriage cycle indicated from the seventh house and the position of the main planets Venus, Jupiter and the seventh house lord in the seventh house. A favorable position of these planets in the seventh house and positive transits will let you know, when will you get married. These combinations create the right marriage timing cycle, and one can get married, provided the person has the intent to marry. No worries. If you miss one or two cycles, these cycles will come again. But missing these cycles repeatedly can make these planets sulky to support the marriage.

Sometimes, Saturn (the karmic planet), Rahu (the planet of illusions), and Ketu (the planet of separative tendencies) also play significant roles in a person's marriage timings.  Delayed marriages off late have become a common phenomenon in Society. Now, do you think only planets are responsible/ reasons for late marriage? NO, in many cases, we ourselves ignore the importance of marriage at the right age, miss the best cycle for getting married, and then blame the planets. The main reason for this is the professional preferences of the person, sometimes personal preference, too rigid parameters for the life partner, and sometimes, family reasons.

Know when a person will get married

Now, learn the simple mantra to know: when will I get married?

Once a person reaches marriageable, has the intent to marry, and follows the simple steps below, one will get married at the right time. What are these steps?

Know about your future life partner

People in love mostly know about each other, so it does not need much explanation. For others, one can know all about the future spouse's personality, name initials, profession, direction, family background, and many more characteristics. The seventh house in your birth chart indicates all about your future life partner, so taking a small insight into this about your future spouse narrows down your search from macro to micro. It surely helps a person to find a life partner faster. Sometimes, our imaginary sketch of the spouse is too rigid, and we reject many proposals, but maybe destiny has described that person only as your spouse.

So, do not struggle within yourself, and try to find the best spouse out of the traits described in the potential life partner. Once you identify the potential spouse, move to the second step.

Know the right marriage timings

As explained above, in your seventh house, the positioning of benefic and malefic planets in the the seventh house indicates the right marriage timing cycles. So, one can connect with a good marriage astrologer to know when I will get married according to date of birth.

But there are two very important factors here

  1. One important thing that many explanations on the topic miss is that: when will a person get married/marriage predictions by date of birth will be the same for all born within two hours (120 minutes). Because, the (D-1) Lagna chart remains the same for all born within two hours at a particular place based on longevity and latitude. For marriage predictions by date of birth, Navamsa plays a determining role.  Most astrologers do not consider Navamsa (D-9) for marriage predictions, which can change in minutes. This means that all the planetary combinations in one house will change totally, so the marriage predictions from birth date can be a question mark. One should not rely on any astrological predictions without accurate birth time and see that the astrologer is referring to Navamsa reading for marriage.

  2. Furthermore, despite checking when you will get married from the Navamsa chart, what if the person is not ready to marry? So, to know when a person will get married, check the person's readiness to get married, considering professional aspirations, earnings (competence), family circumstances and many similar factors to know when will I get married or when will my child get married? So, one should understand online marriage predictions based on the Lagna chart can be half-hearted or flawed. 

How to live a happy married life

Having selected the right life partner, knowing the right marriage timing, and with the intent to marry, the next step is to know how to have a happy married life. It is very simple: check the compatibility of your intended life partner with your charts. Here, it is not just doing gun matching for marriage or online horoscope matching scores but a comprehensive matching of marriage charts. Read below what it means.

Do not worry if you have Mangal dosha

Many times, the person does not get the right proposals/gets rejections due to apparent Manglik Dosha. On this topic here, do not become a victim of misconceptions about Mangal dosha. I very responsibly say that over 50% of the people declared as Manglik are not Manglik at all. And even if they are Manglik, the solution is very simple that you can read below on what to do for Mangal dosha.

Important points for marriage aspirants

  1. This article indicates many points that a marriage aspirant should know.

  2. It holds more significance for people who are much more focused on careers, especially the Female segment in the present times. Parents are worried about the child's late marriage, and the child is focused too much on the career. For them, marriage looks like bondage, and for parents, it remains a mirage.  

  3. When we think of astrology for marriage, we mainly talk about the 7th house and Venus. But did you know that the 7th house is also the secondary house for the 10th house, the house of career and profession?

  4. A person who cannot fully encash on the 7th house results may miss many privileges and benefits of the 10th house. 

  5. Also, you should know that all 12 houses in your horoscope have a very strong intrinsic relationship among them. For some, marriage becomes Fate's accelerator to boost the 9th house of fate.

  6. Marriage, for many, lays a foundation for Bhagyauday.

  7. In Hinduism, Marriage is not just a custom or event in life; it is seen as one of the most essential sanskaras one is supposed to follow in the present life. Marriage is the third sanskara out of the four sanskaras mentioned in smritis or Hindu ideology, namely Jatakarma, Upanayana, Vivah, and Antyeshti. This speaks of the importance of marriage in one's life and is supposed to form or carry karmic bonds in a person's life.

So, if you are delaying marriage for known reasons, you might miss the benefits of many Good Yogas, which do not blossom until you get married.

Marriage is known to bring Saubhagya or bliss to the couple getting married. So, delayed marriage, for whatever reason, can keep you away from the many benefits you are entitled to.

What to do for early marriage: Do's and Don'ts

You will read many universally suggested remedies to avoid delay in marriage. As explained above, each individual's social, economic, family and surrounding circumstances are different. So there cannot be some common do's and don'ts to avoid delay in marriage. Still, I can give some simple do's to avoid marriage delays.

Some do's for early marriage:

  1. Take fullest benefits of the 7th house to know all about your future life partner.

  2. There are specific cycles in the horoscope to get married, particularly Dasha that favours your marriage.

  3. If your marriage is slipping, consult a good marriage astrologer to know the best time for your marriage.

  4. Accelerate your efforts in the right time for marriage to get the desired results. If you miss this best time to marry, your efforts can become desperate.

  5. Try to leverage your parameters for the spouse. Very stringent perceptions about the life partner often leave a person unmarried for a longer time. We might miss the right partner because of our own mind-set.

Some Don'ts to avoid delay in marriage:

  1. If you are being over-aged for marriage purposes, look back into the parameters laid for the spouse. Sometimes our aspirations for a spouse are too closely knit; we expect too much and want to define future life partner with many fantasies and parameters. The too fine definition of the spouse is one of the biggest reasons for the delay in marriage. Think of the life partner in a practical way. 

  2. Please do not indulge in mindless, universally known rituals and remedies. All have the pre-destined spouse, and we should know how to reach him/her.

  3. Many suggest wearing Yellow sapphire, feeding cows with green vegetables, and, similarly many such rituals. You can try all this, but best take benefit of my two decades' practical experience.

Follow do's to avoid late marriage and overcome all reasons for delay in marriage.

Learn more about how to know about your life partner using your birth chart and also learn the importance of matching charts for marriage, how it helps a person to have a better-married life, and how to match the horoscope for marriage.

Problems of a late marriage

A late marriage may result in not getting a suitable match as most of your age might have got married already. Problems in progeny, mutual understanding, and childbirth are caused due to physical and mental complications. When you are mentally strong with advancement in career and time, you tend to become rigid and don't compromise easily, causing friction in relations. Lack of adjustment and compromise on each other's part ruin marital bliss in a couple's life.

One can read more about the reasons for delay in marriage.

So, to find when will I get married, take spouse predictions ( how and who will be your future life partner), what the right marriage timing cycle is for, get ready to marry and match the relationship compatibility for marriage purposes. This means total marriage predictions from birth date. You follow these simple steps, you will never complain of delayed marriage so,  aspire and be confident of a happy married life. For any specific issue, connect with my office at +919278555588/9278665588.

Best wishes.

Disclaimer: The above is a contributor post, the views expressed are those of the contributor and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.