Mixed Shots

A Traumatic Moo-ve?

Indian cows have one more reason to be jealous of their Swiss cousins. The latter not only get to eat grass instead of plastic and trash salad, but also enjoy free helicopter rides. An injured cow luxuriated in this privilege as she could not walk down the Klausen Pass with the thousand other cows in her herd. The migration to the lower Alps is an annual event called Bodenfahrt. A farmer said the experience may have been traumatic for the cow, though in photos, she seems to be enjoying the lovely alpine view. Hopefully, next year cows won’t start faking injuries to get a joyride. A cow’s-eye view of the Alps, anyone?


Freedom To…Infect

Coronavirus might have wreaked havoc on India, but at least we could take comfort in the fact that we did not have anti-mask covidiots. Not anymore though. A video has surfaced of five people taking off their masks and burning it. They invoke Independence Day and demand ‘freedom’ from masks. The lifesaving accessories, they claim, are part of a conspiracy to manipulate and control the public. Their video has gone viral and if they don’t put on masks soon, they too will.


Pee Pee Eeeee!

First, they caught it in farts and now in urine—seems like no bodily excretion is safe from coronavirus’ tentacles. While it might seem like a middling problem (after all, somebody is more likely to sneeze on you than, well...), the issue lies with urinal flushes. Due to the interaction between gas and liquid particles, the virus can hitch a ride on aerosols released from flushing. Toilet bowls also generate aerosols, though not to the extent of urinals. Lest your jump to conclusions, the solution is not to stop flushing toilets, but to wear a mask in the restroom.


Hijack With Interest

After a bus owner died, the financier who had lent him money panicked that his family members would default on the loan. So he did what any rational individual would have done—he hired ‘loan recovery men’ who intercepted the bus, forced the driver and conductor to deboard and drove off with the 34 passengers. The bus was going from Gurgaon to Madhya Pradesh and the men ‘hijacked’ it in Agra. After the driver and conductor went to the police, the UP government claimed that all the passengers were safe. Their whereabouts or that of the bus, though, are not known.


Premature Baby, Mature Cupid

Little Cobie was born 10 weeks early in King’s Mill Hospital, Mansfield, UK. But despite his tender age, he helped his dad, John Sellors, pop the question to his mother, Sian Stafford. The nurses were also in on the plan. They called Sian to have a look at Cobie after he had been taken off his breathing machine. She didn’t notice the ring and the note, ‘Mummy, will you marry my daddy?’ until John interjected with “I think Cobie wants you to know something”. That’s when she spotted the message and accepted his proposal.



Illustrations: Saahil, Text by Alka Gupta and Syed Saad Ahmed
