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Ancient Earthquake Rerouted Ganges River: Study

A massive earthquake from around 2,500 years ago caused the shift that took place within the river delta, approximately 200 kilometers from its point of discharge into the Bay of Bengal

The Ganges at Rishikesh Photo: Shutterstock

The Ganges River is not only a significant source of water for India but also holds major importance in terms of heritage, history, and religious activities. The river has played a significant role in shaping India's history as it traverses through multiple regions. A recent study has discovered that the Ganges underwent a sudden and drastic change in its course. This change was attributed to a massive earthquake that occurred approximately 2,500 years ago. While similar alterations have been observed in other rivers, they have mostly occurred further upstream. However, in the case of the Ganges, this ancient shift took place within the river delta, approximately 200 kilometers from its point of discharge into the Bay of Bengal.