On the eve of Diwali (November 11, 2015), Goa holds a special event. Effigies of the demon Narkasur are paraded through the roads of the towns and villages and then set on fire. It symbolises the end of a period of darkness and the triumph of good. This is followed by week-long Diwali celebrations. Earthen lamps are used to decorate the houses. During this time, zatras (Hindu deities taken out on special processions) are held all over Goa; the zatras of Mangueshi, Nagueshi, Ramnathi, Shantadurga and Shirgao temples attract a lot of viewers.
What: Diwali Zatra
Where: Goa
When: November 11 (continues for a week)
Contact: www.goatourism.gov.in
Enjoy the Goan zatra during Diwali
The special processions are one of the biggest attractions of Goa during the Diwali week