Macy–s Thanksgiving Parade, New York

The annual parade - on November 27, 2014 - which also marks the start of the festive season in the US, features marching bands, helium balloons and group performances

Macy–s Thanksgiving Parade, New York

On November 27, 2014, the streets of New York will witness the nation’s most beloved spectacular parade. The annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade, in its 88th year, held on every 4th Thursday of November, will see more than 8,000 participants donning clown costumes and featuring huge helium balloons. The magic parade’s famed line-up this year features 16 giant character balloons; 33 novelty/ornament balloons, balloonicles, balloonheads and trycaloons; 27 floats; 1,300 cheerleaders and dancers; 1000 clowns; 12 marching bands and some celebrity performers. “This is a record breaking year for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, as we debut the largest new cast of giant character balloons ever assembled, along with five amazing new floats” said Amy Kule, executive producer of the parade.

What: Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade
New York
November 27, 2014