
Did You Know About This Unique Tibetan Settlement In Karnataka?

Dhondenling is a Tibetan refugee settlement in Kollegal, set at the foothills of Biligiriranga Hills at a height of 3345 ft. From its history to major attractions, find out all you need to know about the unique Tibetan settlement

Beautiful wide angle view of the Stupas at the Dhondenling monastery Photo: Shutterstock

The Dhondenling Tibetan Settlement, tucked away in the tranquil surroundings of Kollegal, Karnataka, represents resilience and optimism for the Tibetan diaspora. This settlement, which was created in 1959 as a haven for people fleeing the Chinese invasion of Tibet, has grown into a thriving community dedicated to preserving Tibetan culture, religion, and way of life. In addition to being a refuge for its citizens, Dhondenling is a special location for tourists looking for an immersive cultural experience because of its peaceful surroundings and rich cultural legacy.