
In The City Of Canals: Exploring Amsterdam Through Its Many Charms

A whirlwind tour of Amsterdam, savouring a world city working overtime to reinvent itself

Tourists savour a boat ride Photo: Depositphotos

From the manner in which the concierge staff at Amsterdam's classy, canal-front Hotel Pulitzer arched his eyebrows, peered at me, and coughed lightly, I gathered that I was already testing the limits of the famed Dutch tolerance and hospitality. A thought-bubble, laden with unspoken words ("We're not that kind of a hotel, you know"), floated above his head like cannabis smoke, as he drew himself up to his full height. But evidently on the strength of good training, he endeavoured valiantly to summon up an air of cool professionalism and a tone of moderate civility, and even managed a quizzical smile.