Places of Interest

From Old Town To Giant Museums: On A Chocolate Adventure In Zürich

From the legendary stores in Old Town to the world's largest chocolate museum, follow this chocolate trail through Zürich to discover how a mistake gave the world the irresistible Swiss milk chocolate

Truffle au Champagne is the most popular delicacy across Swiss chocolate shops Photo: Shutterstock

ZÜrich is a dream for perfectionists. Known as Switzerland's financial hub, no other city makes such a strong case for precision as Zürich does. The trams always leave on schedule. No clocks ever tell the time a second ahead or behind. The barista doesn't take a minute more than promised to get your coffee ready. Unlike other European cities, there's no time for leisure or a day without a plan—everybody walks like they have somewhere to be. And as a true traveller does, I, too, took on the city's spirit and went against my nature to quickly chart out my day's plan: to sample the best Swiss chocolate. Now, it may seem like an easy task. But in a city that offers a million options at every turn, this undertaking is a serious business.