
Meet The Rodents Saving Lives In Cambodia

The APOPO Centre in Siem Reap, Cambodia, trains HeroRATs to detect landmines, making land safe again for communities. These trained rats help clear dangerous areas quickly and accurately, restoring livelihoods and saving lives

A tourist poses with an African giant pouched rat during the HeroRATs excursion at the APOPO Visitor Center Photo: Shutterstock

Holding a rodent was the last thing on my mind as I planned a trip to Cambodia with my friends. Looking back at my photos, one of my favourites is one where I am beaming at the camera, cradling a rodent called Glen in my arms. It was edging closer to noon, and as the heat was creeping up, so were the excitement levels at the APOPO Centre–a global humanitarian non-profit NGO in Siem Reap–as visitors waited for their turn to hold the rodents and get clicked. Far from a gimmick, this human interaction is an integral part of the rodent's training.