PackPoint: Travel packing list app

An app that creates a packing list for you based on your travel dates, destination and purpose of travel

PackPoint: Travel packing list app

If there ever was an app designed specifically for me, it is PackPoint. Why? Because I am a forgetful, careless and absent-minded individual in a profession that requires a lot of travelling. A lot of travelling means a lot of packing. And for me, that means a lot of forgetting things. This application, other than boasting of a very easy-to-use and uncluttered user interface, is a highly-personalised pack­ing list manager. You begin by putting in the basics—first the details of your travel (where to, dates, purpose, etc.) and then the activities you’ll be indulging in, from a list. This will lead to a check-list of sorts, divided into various sections based on your selection. Each section has a template of items that PackPoint has conveniently provided you with. For example, ‘camping’ includes everything from ‘long underwear’ to a portable GPS. There’s also a neat section that will appear by default in every list—‘essentials’. Basically, the e-ticket, the wallet (with money in it) and all the other items I usually end up forgetting. Well, not anymore! A couple of other exciting features include weather updates for your destination and the ability to customise, well, everything. You want to ride a unicycle in Kolkata? Add the activity. You need to carry a knee-brace for that? Add the item. It’s plain and simple. You may make your own templates or edit the old ones. After all, you are lord and master of this wonderful application. However, if you’re still forgetting stuff, we suggest you get yourself checked.