Women In Travel

Top 6 Iconic Women Travellers In Fiction You Need To Know About

Literature has long celebrated the spirit of women who break societal norms and embark on journeys of self-discovery and exploration. From classic novels to modern tales, these 6 fictional women travellers inspire readers to embrace their wanderlust

As we embark on our literary journeys, we often come across captivating and inspiring female characters Photo: Shutterstock

Travel and literature are two forms of escapism that go hand in hand. Through the pages of a book, we can venture into the world's furthest reaches, experiencing diverse cultures and foreign landscapes, all from the comfort of our armchairs. As we embark on our literary journeys, we often come across captivating and inspiring female characters who traverse the globe with a spirit of adventure and independence. That being said, here are the top 6 women travellers in fiction, delving into their tales of wanderlust, courage, and self-discovery.