Outlook Spotlight

Harshada Pathare Leverages Design Thinking To Create Impactful Literature

Harshada pours so much of her emotions in her true stories; that it becomes an extension of your thought process.

Harshada Pathare Leverages Design Thinking To Create Impactful Literature

It is easy to connect with Harshada’s writings, as it keeps everything; vibrant, optimistic, and enriching. She spends months researching a topic and then, after a thoughtful interpretation, writes it into a reflective article, an insightful story, or interplays it in a video format.

Beyond the imaginative work, she writes true stories after connecting with the character and soaking deep in their emotional abysses. Harshada pours so much of her emotions in her true stories; that it becomes an extension of your thought process. Stories overlap stories, and Harshada has mastered the knack of adding a deeper meaning to each authentic experience. Stories sound common, but Harshada is interested in stories that bulldoze through the concrete walls of stereotypes and conjures new twists. Readout her true stories blog on her website –https://harshadapathare.com/one-true-story/

A self-professed thinker, Harshada’s articles are not monotonous pieces; but new concepts structured on profound user research. Her articles and nuggets of wisdom keep featuring high editorial websites and even; serve as a scholarly citation in research papers. It is imperative; for an individual to remain in a state of openness and willingness to learn with an agile mind - you make never make it perfect, but it will get better. 

Gaining overnight popularity or a large digit follower base is not the sole purpose of her compositions. She has an interactive fan base on her social accounts operating on the principles of Minimalism. We view ourselves as small and insignificant on a vast collision, forgetting how inspiring we can all be in a broader sense.

After post-graduating and working, she still seeks to redefine literature in a new fashion by using her design thinking skills and retelling the stories in a designer’s style. She wants to frame a larger picture; she experiments and filters out the best insights loaded with practical values for readers to comprehend. No wonder; the digits on her social profile are on the increase.

Harshada does not write for a blog column in a leading newspaper or screenplays for a hit television show. She is sorted in her goals and leaves the doors open for people who want to express and share their experiences with others.

“I love to have a harmonious give and take from my knowledgeable reviewers and learn from their constructive criticism.”

 There are no defined forms or structures for writing any literary piece, giving the complete autonomy to unfold the story in any readable, understandable, and engaging style - that connects with readers.

“I don’t want to get only a blue tick on my social accounts but embed an inspirational influence in my writings that will leave a timeless legacy.”

Harshada’s journey is a compelling story of building and scaling a much more personable brand from scratch zero. She knows the real heroes are the readers and critics who inspire her to craft her art innovatively. A curious writer will dig deeper, look in the darkness through the kaleidoscope to discover the stories. 

“I want people to look at my website and say; it is not just engineered or imagined but exhibits the frame of most intriguing insights.”

You will see that her website explores mythology, real-life experiences, women empowerment, and design thinking skills to create folklore of her own. Being synonymous with emotions and intricate with empathy, Harshada will be one of the best woman writers once her debut novel hits the bookshelves.

Stay connected on her perfectly designed UX website that is bricked on an artistic whole to map her future writing destinations.

Moreover, you will discover that there is more to ponder in life that is passing so fast!

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