Outlook Spotlight

Naresh Yadav: The Man Behind Child Welfare And Gaushala Developments

He firmly believes that for a nation to develop and grow, it is essential that the children, the youth stay motivated, focused, and enabled.

Naresh Yadav: The Man Behind Child Welfare And Gaushala Developments

“A strong and responsible person forms a good society, and a good society forms a good nation”. One of the leading names in Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP), Naresh Yadav Ji, is a strong believer in this statement. He firmly believes that for a nation to develop and grow, it is essential that the children, the youth stay motivated, focused, and enabled. As an active member and worker of the BJP, Naresh Yadav’s contribution towards child welfare and youth empowerment remains exceptional.

The founder-director of Orphan Child School and Institute, Jaipur, a member of All India Student Organization, a coordinator in sports and games, Delhi, Naresh Yadav Ji has been closely associated with various projects where he has done excellent work when it comes to promoting the children of the country. He firmly believes that each child is special, and so is their talent. If this talent is acknowledged and pushed in the right direction, then enormous growth and success are sure to follow not just for a person but also for their entire district, state, and nation.

Naresh Yadav Ji, an active worker of BJP from Bilari Nagar, Bilari, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, has been one of the most prominent reasons behind changing the face of the youth in this district. According to him, it is the responsibility of every citizen to work collectively together towards developing India that is not just self-sufficient but also self-contained. As a responsible citizen, one should practice a high level of commitment towards their home, their state, and their nation.

Naresh Yadav Ji has been a part of the Bhartiya Janta Party for many years now. His sense of dedication and passion for the welfare and growth of children reflects in his many projects. From organizing various competitions to ensuring that the children are getting the best not just academically but also in sports, he has motivated educational intuitions all over Bilari to upgrade their systems. By organizing sports competition regularly, he has been able to unmask the hidden talents of the children and help them to showcase their talents and skills on national as well as international levels.

Another thing that is extremely close to Naresh Yadav’sJi heart is his concern for cows and Gaushalas. In a country where the cow is worshipped and has religious significance, his contribution towards Gauseva and Gaushalas remains remarkable. As an ex-president of the Rashtriya Gau Seva Samiti, he has worked dedicatedly towards the welfare of cows that are not just productive but also those who are infirm, infertile, and suffering from diseases and other problems. His extreme concern for Gaumata has not only resulted in cow welfare and the construction of better gaushalas in Bilari but has also motivated hundreds of other people to make informed decisions when it comes to cow welfare.

A person whose roots have been strong and firm in the political foundation, Naresh Yadav Ji has been a political enthusiast from a very early age. From participating in college elections to joining BJP at an early stage, the primary goal of Naresh Yadav Ji has been to uplift the people of his district and work effortlessly towards taking them towards a better way of living.

From making people aware of the various government policies to eradicating corruption, promoting non-violence, and imparting social, religious, and political values to the people of his state, he is without a doubt a robust Bhartiya Janta Party worker committed to the upliftment of people from all walks of life.




