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Yaagneshwaran Ganesh Launches His New Book: The Collaborative Crow

The Collaborative Crow provides you with ideas, direction and a method to bring the entire organization on the same page with what's happening with no tiers and privileges.

Yaagneshwaran Ganesh Launches His New Book: The Collaborative Crow

The bestselling author and the host of The ABM Conversations Podcast Yaagneshwaran Ganesh (a.k.a Yaag) launched his latest book, The Collaborative Crow.

The book was initially published by NotionPress on May 25, 2021, and is now distributed worldwide.

Yaagneshwaran says, "It doesn't matter how great your product is or how brilliant your marketing is unless your entire organization works together towards a clear collective outcome. To make that outcome a reality, every function needs access to customer intelligence, but in a context relevant to them."

The Collaborative Crow provides you with ideas, direction and a method to bring the entire organization on the same page with what's happening with no tiers and privileges.

Asking Yaag what pushed him to make 'cross-functional collaboration' as the central theme of his new book, he says, "With the world going fully remote, collaboration is at the centre of all business processes, be it marketing, sales, product development, customer success, etc. So everyone in the organization needs to know what's important for the customer so that they can do their best to contribute from their functional context."

It all boils down to the ratio between information gathered about the customer and the available access to execution. And to ensure your organization is moving forward in unison, you want to ensure everyone in the organization is on the same page.

To make that happen, you need to democratize customer intelligence. It would be best if you made it collaborative. And that's what The Collaborative Crow is all about – democratize customer intelligence and make it collaborative cross-functionally.

Living by the theme of democratizing intelligence, he has made the ebook version available for free on Amazon.