Superstar's Hidden Wife by Pocket FM is an extraordinary audio series unraveling the unconventional romance between Prachi, an unassuming tea vendor, and Arnav, a renowned superstar. Arnav's annoyance evolves into an unexpected bond as Prachi safeguards him unknowingly. Driven by an ominous horoscope, Arnav's grandfather orchestrates their secret union. Prachi's role as Arnav's assistant leads to intricate emotions and Arnav's transformation from disdain to longing, amidst threats and interference from his ex, Mihika. As Prachi explores Arnav's past, their connection deepens, unveiling her own battles worsened by Arnav's presence. Dramatic events, including heartrending divorce and reunions, reveal truths and conquer adversities. A climactic rescue cements their bond, culminating in parenthood. Written by Muskan Kumari, Superstar's Hidden Wife is an emotional rollercoaster, showcasing love's resilience against all odds.