The Canadian Victims Bill of Rights Act (Bill C-32) is a proposed federal statute that would grant victims of crime, including elders, rights to information, protection, participation, and reparation. These rights consist of:
(a) Having access to information on the criminal justice system, victim support services that are offered, and the channels for filing complaints when rights are infringed.
(b) Information on how investigations, criminal proceedings, reviews throughout an offender's involvement in the correctional process, and hearings held after determinations that an individual is not criminally accountable or not physically capable of standing trial are all progressing.
(c) The competent criminal justice system authorities taking security and privacy into account.
(d) Defence against coercion and reprisals.
(e) The choice to ask for testimonial assistance.
(f) The right to voice opinions regarding decisions that may affect their rights under this Act etc.