And extraordinary it was. The visionary Fr Enright, S.J., had said of the future, “XLRI will be a leaven that will make the whole leavened.” Even though XLRI began by offering short-term courses in management and trade unions in 1949, a full-time two-year programme with 70 students was started in 1953 from a set of rooms at Loyola School. The first batch of the Institute’s Post Graduate students took the M.A. in Labour and Social Welfare examination conducted by Bihar University in 1955. The faculty then consisted of Fr Q Enright, S.J. as Director and Fr EH McGrath, S.J. as Dean Academics, Prof Joe Philip, Prof Prem Lal Govil, Prof TK Karunakaran, Prof Narayan Mukherjee, Dr Subbiah Kannappan, Fr PC Antony, S.J., Fr Bill Tom, S.J., Fr Jim Collins, S.J., Fr Dominic George, S.J., Fr Dawson, S.J. and Fr Heffernan, S.J. They were ably supported by the office staff, Maureen Watkins and JD David.