
Arun Velu: Charting The Future Of Product Development – A Trailblazer’s Impact On Analytics And Global Data Democratization

Written By Kapil Joshi

Arun Velu, the Senior Director of Advanced Analytics at Equifax, emerges as a luminary in the realm of data analytics and product development. A distinguished graduate of Duke University with a Master of Engineering Management, Velu has been at the forefront of transforming industries for the past 15 years, particularly in the domain of credit reporting and product development.

One of Velu's seminal contributions is the development of "Workforce Financial IQ," a revolutionary product that established Benefits Services as an industry for top companies. This groundbreaking tool provided HR teams with unprecedented insights into the financial wellness of employees, allowing for a more nuanced understanding of their needs and thereby offering benefits that are relevant to their financial needs. Workforce Financial IQ proved to be the first of its kind, changing the industry paradigm and setting a new standard for personalized benefits tailored to individual employees.

Velu's impact extends further with the creation of Equifax Core Credit, a free credit monitoring product that has democratized access to credit information. This innovative offering enables individuals to monitor their credit scores, fostering financial literacy and empowering them to make informed decisions about their financial future. Equifax Core Credit stands as a model for developing countries, where the establishment of robust credit infrastructures is still in progress, offering a blueprint for creating inclusive financial systems.

Equifax Complete, another brainchild of Velu, addresses the pressing issue of identity theft. In an era where cybersecurity threats loom large, this product offers comprehensive credit monitoring and identity protection. It has become a staple for companies compensating customers for data breaches, giving individuals the tools to manage and safeguard their identities in an increasingly digital world. Velu's foresight in recognizing the importance of identity protection aligns with recommendations from various US government agencies including the Secret Service and the Department of Justice.

Arun Velu played a pioneering role throughout his career. In the nascent days of Mu Sigma's founding, he played a pivotal role, contributing foundational work that solidified the company's position as a market leader in analytics. His expertise also left an enduring impact during his tenure at Credigy, where he developed transformative models that propelled the company to unprecedented growth. Velu's multifaceted career showcases not only his innovative contributions to product development but also his instrumental role in shaping the trajectory of companies in the analytics landscape. His dynamic influence spans from shaping startups to steering established entities toward unparalleled success.


Arun Velu's academic prowess is evident in his contributions to research and publications, solidifying his stand as a thought leader in academic circles. Beyond his individual achievements, Velu has taken on advisory positions in Universities and keynote speaking roles in numerous conferences, sharing his elite expertise and shaping the discourse in his field.

As the industry eagerly anticipates his next breakthrough, Arun Velu continues to leave an enduring mark on advanced analytics and product development. In the past decade, his commitment to innovation and excellence has not only transformed industries but has also had a positive impact on consumers, making the world a better place through data democratization and cutting-edge solutions. In the dynamic landscape of analytics, Velu remains a distinguished professional, poised to shape the future of data-driven advancements.

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