But, there is more to this charismatic business women and author of For the Greater Common. Besides being globally acclaimed for her work on Sustainability, she is not just an icon to the growth of sustainability among the Gen Z, but also of women leadership in tough and male dominated industries like supply chain and logistics. On breaking the glass ceiling she says, “The glass ceiling is just a metaphor for invisible systemic barriers that women face and need to break through to fly. Today, the world is full of opportunities for everyone, but courage is something that we really need to foster in our women—courage to ask, courage to say no and courage to stand up and rise each time we fall. As a daughter, mother, wife and a committed professional it has been a challenging journey for me too but the light that one sees at the end of the tunnel is the ultimate reward. Because that light is meant to show way to many other such women who do not have access to opportunities. Also, I think that my work is extremely interesting where every day I come across opportunities to address issues related to pressing global problems and make this world better is a compelling enough reason for me to break all kinds of ceilings and realize my highest potential for many others.”