
GW 501516 (Cardarine) SARM: Before & After Results, Benefits, & More

GW 501516, aka Cardarine, is a SARM that has numerous benefits. Learn more about how it works, side effects, dosage, before and after results, & more.

One of the most popular SARMs is GW 501516, more commonly known as Cardarine, and it has a notable list of benefits.

While most traditional SARMs target androgen receptors, Cardarine works differently by acting on the PPAR-delta pathway, triggering significant improvements in both endurance and fat burning.

Cardarine was initially developed to help treat various metabolic disorders, with potential cardiovascular treatments.

However, the potent effects on endurance and fat loss discovered after its invention quickly gained attention in the fitness and bodybuilding industry.

This has led GW-501516 to become widely used to boost stamina, increase the rate of fat burning, and support general health and athletic performance.

Then for anyone thinking about using GW-501516, there will be some critical dosage and administration information, along with potential side effects that should be seriously considered.

Finally, we will look at how GW 501516 compares to other similarly-purposed peptides, and trustworthy outlets to source it from.

What is GW-501516 (Cardarine)?

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Often marketed as and sold as Cardarine, GW-501516 is a unique SARM compound that functions completely differently from other conventional SARMs.

Developed in the 1990s, GW 501516 was originally researched as a possible treatment for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.1

While conventional SARMs act on androgen receptors to trigger various anabolic effects, GW 501516 works by acting as a PPAR-delta agonist.2

PPAR-delta is a receptor that plays a central role in the regulation of the body’s fat metabolism, general energy expenditure, and physical endurance.3

By binding with and activating this receptor, Cardarine directly improves the body’s ability to burn fat for energy, which raises endurance and stamina.4

At its core, GW-501516 increases the gene expression for genes central to oxidizing fat specifically to be used as energy.

Overall, this leads to a larger shift in the body’s energy source from glucose to fats, helping create more efficient fat-burning processes and better overall metabolic health.

Athletes and bodybuilders have openly embraced Cardarine for its ability to raise endurance levels and fuel fat loss without the dangerous side effects of conventional anabolic steroids.


Due to the unique mechanism of action, users can reach substantial improvements in both body composition and cardio performance.

Benefits of GW 501516 (Cardarine)

Without a doubt, one of the biggest and most notable benefits of Cardarine supplementation is the massive boost to endurance during workouts.

Through the PPAR-delta pathway activation, GW-501516 amplifies the body’s base ability to use fat as energy.

This fundamental change in energy utilization lowers the overall reliance on glycogen stores and facilitates longer periods of intense physical activity before feeling fatigued.

This allows more intense workouts that can last longer, extending their benefits.

This also results in massive amounts of fat loss and drastic body recomposition compared to otherwise.

You can see this in action with some of the amazing before and after pictures from real Cardarine (GW501516) users below:


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The ability to elevate fat oxidation rates helps lower overall body fat percentages while also preserving lean muscle tissue from degradation.

As a result, GW 501516 is one of the best choices for anyone trying to reach a leaner and more defined physique.

The ability to preserve muscle mass has been mentioned, but it’s more than just a nice perk, it's a big benefit.

When shifting the body’s energy source from glycogen to fats, GW 501516 ensures that muscle tissue is not degraded during periods of caloric deficit.

This is a major benefit for any fitness enthusiasts or bodybuilders who are entering a cutting phase, where maintaining the recently added muscle mass is critical, while also shedding fat.

Since Cardarine was initially created to address certain cardiovascular issues, it’s no surprise that it has been shown to improve several markers of cardio health.


Some of these markers include cholesterol levels and blood pressure, helping lower LDL and raise HDL.

Not only that, but the ability to boost fat metabolism can even lower the overall risk of atherosclerosis and similar issues.

Another area where Cardarine can help is through its substantial anti-inflammatory effects, which are helpful not only for overall health but also for efficient recovery.5

Some forms of chronic inflammation are linked to medical disorders and health issues, some of which include heart disease and forms of metabolic disorders.

Lowering inflammation, GW-501516 helps support a healthier metabolic environment and recovery from intense activity, workouts, and training.

Many users of Cardarine also report greater energy levels in general and higher overall vitality.

This is likely due to the steady, sustained, and enhanced fat oxidation process helping to keep the energy levels more consistent.

There are some indications that GW 501516 can help improve insulin sensitivity, which is a cornerstone of optimal metabolic health.


Boosting insulin sensitivity can help regulate blood sugar more effectively, and lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, making Cardarine a potent tool for weight and blood sugar management.

Clinical Studies and Research

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There have been numerous studies that have explored the safety and efficacy of GW-501516, mostly focusing on the impact it has on metabolism, endurance, and general health.

One significant trial used animal models and demonstrated that Cardarine had measurable effects on endurance and fat oxidation.6

The mice that received a GW 501516 treatment showed a dramatic increase in running endurance and lower levels of total body fat.

These early findings were among the first to showcase evidence of GW 501516's potential benefits.

In another study, researchers found that Cardarine activated the PPAR-delta pathway and helped promote the oxidation of fatty acids.7

The results were elevated levels of endurance and suggested that similar effects were likely to be observed during human trials.

Other research showed that GW 501516 could positively affect the user’s lipid profiles.

This action helped lower bad cholesterol while raising the level of good cholesterol.8

While animal studies have shown very promising results, there have been some concerns raised over the long-term safety of the compound.

Specifically, one study on rats shows that higher doses of GW 501516 led to an increased risk of cancer development.

While initially disconcerting, it’s important to remember that these effects were observed at dosages much higher than any that would be administered to humans.

Despite these concerns, human studies have not shown many adverse effects at standard doses, and in all clinical trials, Cardarine has been well-tolerated.

Usage and Dosage Recommendations

Cardarine can be found in oral administrations, like liquid and capsule forms, though some vendors who specialize in injectables will have that form as well.

Some forms are more convenient than others, and some offer more precise dosing.

For those just starting, 10 mg per day is a common beginner’s dose.

This dose will create enhanced endurance and fat loss while having

minimal potential for side effects.

For intermediate users, 15 mg to 20 mg per day is an acceptable dose to ramp up performance and see more pronounced physical improvements.

However, doses above 20 mg per day are typically not recommended due to the increasing risk of adverse side effects.

To obtain optimal results, users should be cycling their Cardarine use.

Most cycles will consist of use for 8 to 12 weeks, followed by a break of at least 4 to 8 weeks.

The period of non-use is critical to help the body recover while lowering the risk of potential side effects.

While some other potent performance-enhancing SARMs and peptides require post-cycle therapy, Cardarine does not.

This is because GW 501516 does not impact any of the natural hormone levels, which makes it much easier to fit into fitness regimens with various goals.

When supplementing with Cardarine, monitoring the body’s response is vital, and dosages should be adjusted as necessary, within safe limits.

To amplify its benefits, GW 501516 can be combined or “stacked” with other SARMs.

Some of the most popular stacks include GW 501516 & MK-2866 (Ostarine), and GW 501516 & LGD-4033.

The Cardarine/Ostarine stack is used to boost muscle preservation with fat loss, and the Cardarine/Ligandrol stack is for even greater muscle mass improvements.

Potential Side Effects and Safety

The most common side effects associated with GW 501516 are transient and mild.

Headaches and nausea are the two most frequently reported, headaches fade as the body adjusts to the SARM, and nausea can be managed by taking GW 501516 with food.

Gastrointestinal discomfort is another potential side effect that can occur, with the most common solution being to split the dose into smaller amounts taken more frequently.

Finally, the biggest concern is over the potential for cancer development with very high doses administered over long periods.

For those new to GW 501516, start with the smallest dose possible, and move up once your body has adjusted, to minimize chances of side effects.

Comparisons with Other SARMs

Anyone researching Cardarine is probably wondering how it compares to other similar SARMs.

Andarine, or S4 is a popular SARM known for its muscle-defining abilities and value during cutting phases.

However, S4 is also known for occasionally creating vision-related side effects, like yellow tint or night blindness, making GW 501516 a safer bet.

RAD-140 (Testolone) is another powerful SARM that promotes substantial muscle growth, and its effects are commonly described as on par with anabolic steroids.

The downside to Testolone though, is that it can lead to testosterone suppression, and will typically require post-cycle therapy to ensure a full body hormone rebalance.

Where to Buy GW 501516 (Cardarine)

Individuals looking to buy GW 501516 should take care to only use reputable, trustworthy, and transparent vendors.

The problem is, with the explosion in popularity SARMs have seen recently, too many untrustworthy spots have sprung up.

Make sure the vendor you choose has all of their products tested by independent labs, and verify the results by checking the certificates of analysis that should be posted on their site.

Some of the most reputable names in SARM and peptide sales right now are Swiss Chems, Pure Rawz, Core Peptides, Sports Technology Labs, Chemyo, and Behemoth Labz.

Click Here to pick up GW501516 from our top rated source.

GW501516 (Cardarine) Review Summary

Without a doubt, GW 501516 (Cardarine) is an incredibly potent and effective SARM that boasts a wide range of benefits from increased endurance, to significant fat burning, and drastically improved cardio health.

The unique mechanism of action helps it stand out from other traditional SARMs and makes it perfect for athletes looking to improve performance and body composition.

The safety profile is favorable, and the side effects are largely mild, provided the dosages are managed effectively.

Overall, GW 501516 is a highly versatile and valuable addition to any fitness supplement regimen.

Ensure that you’re buying from a trustworthy and transparent source, and always consult with a trusted healthcare professional when starting or changing supplement routines.

Click Here to pick up GW501516 from our top rated source.


1. Mitchell JA, Bishop-Bailey D. PPARβ/δ a potential target in pulmonary hypertension blighted by cancer risk. Pulm Circ. 2019 Jan-Mar;9(1):2045894018812053. doi: 10.1177/2045894018812053. Epub 2018 Oct 23. PMID: 30351241; PMCID: PMC6475847.

2. National Center for Biotechnology Information. PubChem Compound Summary for CID 9803963, Endurobol.

3. Paw M, Wnuk D, Madeja Z, Michalik M. PPARδ Agonist GW501516 Suppresses the TGF-β-Induced Profibrotic Response of Human Bronchial Fibroblasts from Asthmatic Patients. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Apr 23;24(9):7721. doi: 10.3390/ijms24097721. PMID: 37175437; PMCID: PMC10178673.

4. Kintz P, Ameline A, Gheddar L, Raul JS. Testing for GW501516 (cardarine) in human hair using LC/MS-MS and confirmation by LC/HRMS. Drug Test Anal. 2020 Jul;12(7):980-986. doi: 10.1002/dta.2802. Epub 2020 Apr 25. PMID: 32298044.

5. Smith RW, Coleman JD, Thompson JT, Vanden Heuvel JP. Therapeutic potential of GW501516 and the role of Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor β/δ and B-cell lymphoma 6 in inflammatory signaling in human pancreatic cancer cells. Biochem Biophys Rep. 2016 Nov 4;8:395-402. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrep.2016.10.014. PMID: 28955982; PMCID: PMC5614479.

6. Chen W, Gao R, Xie X, Zheng Z, Li H, Li S, Dong F, Wang L. A metabolomic study of the PPARδ agonist GW501516 for enhancing running endurance in Kunming mice. Sci Rep. 2015 May 6;5:9884. doi: 10.1038/srep09884. PMID: 25943561; PMCID: PMC4421799.

7. Dimopoulos N, Watson M, Green C, Hundal HS. The PPARdelta agonist, GW501516, promotes fatty acid oxidation but has no direct effect on glucose utilisation or insulin sensitivity in rat L6 skeletal muscle cells. FEBS Lett. 2007 Oct 2;581(24):4743-8. doi: 10.1016/j.febslet.2007.08.072. Epub 2007 Sep 6. PMID: 17869249.

8. Olson EJ, Pearce GL, Jones NP, Sprecher DL. Lipid effects of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-δ agonist GW501516 in subjects with low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol: characteristics of metabolic syndrome. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2012 Sep;32(9):2289-94. doi: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.112.247890. Epub 2012 Jul 19. PMID: 22814748.

Disclaimer: The above is a contributor post, the views expressed are those of the contributor and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.

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