
Top 10 Facts About Gun Violence in the US You Didn't Know About

Some depressing facts surrounding gun violence bring forward the pressing need to have suitable laws to curb the rising cases of gun-related violence, homicides and suicides

The rising gun violence in the United States has become a reason for worry. It is a deeply troubling and pervasive issue and with statistics, these deep troubles of the rising gun violence often go unnoticed.
Here are ten lesser-known facts that shed light on the alarming reality of gun violence in the country:
Child Victims: Every day, an average of 12 children lose their lives to gun violence in the US, with an additional 32 suffering gunshot injuries. Shockingly, guns are the leading cause of death among American children and teenagers, with one out of every ten gun-related deaths involving individuals aged 19 or younger.
Higher Than Drownings: The rate of firearm deaths in the US is over five times higher than that of drownings.
School Gun Violence: Since the tragic Columbine shooting in 1999, more than 338,000 students in the US have experienced gun violence at school. In 2022, there were 46 school shootings, the highest number since Columbine.
Exposure to Gunfire at Younger Age: In 2022, 34 students and adults lost their lives due to school shootings, and more than 43,000 children were exposed to gunfire at school.
Unsafe Storage: An estimated 4.6 million American children live in homes where at least one gun is kept loaded and unlocked, contributing to accidents, suicides, and family member deaths. Additionally, nearly half of the parents with a firearm in their homes wrongly believe their children do not know where the gun is stored.
Lack of Reporting: In 4 out of 5 school shootings, at least one person had knowledge of the attacker's plan but failed to report it. A comprehensive study by the Secret Service and the Department of Education found that 93 percent of school shooters planned their attacks in advance. Timely reporting of warning signs can prevent school shootings, the study mentioned.
Warning Signs: In the majority of documented active shooter cases, almost all perpetrators shared threatening or concerning messages or images, with over 75 percent raising concerns from others before their attacks. Recognizing these signs can be crucial in preventing tragedies.
Disparities in Gun Violence: Certain communities are disproportionately impacted by gun violence. Children living in poverty, gay and lesbian youth, and Black youth face higher risks of victimization. 
Mental Health: Interestingly, a majority of individuals with diagnosed mental illness do not engage in violence against others.
Teen Dating Violence: About 90 percent of teenagers getting killed in acts of violence are caused due to dating issues.
Such disturbing facts are a constant reminder of some pressing action against gun violence and to bring law and order in order to curb the rising casualties due to gun-related violence. 

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