“Why don’t you ever find any joy in Jollywood?” “Why don’t you ever like anything?”—as a film critic, I’ve heard these questions so many times that if I got a rupee for every such insult, I’d be sitting atop a mountain of coins on the day of the Note-Bandi Diwas (that beautiful festival where we only use cash), smoking a cigar made from Rs 2,000 bills, blowing out Swastika-shaped plumes, and lamenting: “Man, what a tough life I have” (distant second: Elon Musk). Sorry, that was a long sentence. I’m excited, you see. Because earlier in the day, I watched a movie so bright, so beautiful, so brilliant, that I’m struggling to describe it. Bol ke lab azaad hain tere? Bro, I’ve no words.