
What Is A Golden Knee Replacement Surgery?

The gold knee is one of the best implants available and the most successful too.

A Golden Knee Surgery is like a normal knee surgery. The major difference is in the materials used for implants. These implants are literally made of/coated with layers of real gold (The knee implants used for the surgery have a Titanium Niobium Nitride (TiNbN) coating on their surface. This coating gives a golden color to the implant and makes it allergy-proof because of inert material’s coating). The aim of using these implants is to address issues that come with other implants. They aim to increases the life of the implant but and also prevent any allergic reactions in the patient. The gold knee is one of the best implants available and the most successful too.

Why a golden Knee Implant?

The need of these implants arose as the regular knee implants tend to release metal ions in the body. These become cause of serious issues in patients with allergies. Especially patients with a metal allergy this can cause inflammation in the knee area and eventually cause complications like infection, loosening and persistent knee pain. The golden implants do not induce allergic reaction and also, its wear and tear is very low. Because of its enhanced durability the golden implant is preferred for knee replacements in patients who are younger than 60 years to get the maximum benefit.

Benefits of a Golden Knee Replacement

Below are the benefits of having a golden Knee Implant

  • Golden knee implants are allergy proof

  • Gold implants have improved longevity of up to 40 years

  • They are durable than any other implant today

  • They are

  • Better biocompatible

  • Higher wettability with synovial fluids

  • Extreme adhesive strength

  • Improved Abrasion Resistance

  • Significant hardness eight times greater than Cobalt chromium implants

  • They provide better surgical results

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