Once you become a weed-forager it is hard to keep your attention away from the little greens springing up after the rains. They, too, you will notice, have a succession. The more water loving ones come up first, and then as the rain gets soaked into the soil, drying up, others spring up. At the edges of the gardens where they get some water, they may grow round the year. Wherever you look—gardens, along the puddles, the gutters, the water pipe, cracks on the footpath—wherever there is a little soil, these weeds make the best out of the present. They grow in all their mini prettiness waiting for us to discover. Only if we managed to slow down, stop, and notice we can discover a whole new world. A natural world surrounding us even in the middle of a concrete city. If we let this fact percolate our senses, it is immensely reassuring and also rejuvenating.