The 8 Most Popular Inspirational Books To Read In 2023

People are turning to inspirational books more than ever to seek solace, motivation, and guidance.

Life, let's be honest, can throw us some curveballs. It's a journey filled with obstacles, setbacks, and those moments when we question everything from our abilities to our very own purpose. It's during these times that we desperately need a dose of inspiration – that intangible force that reignites our inner fire, moving us forward to chase our dreams and reminding us that we possess the strength to conquer any challenge.

And where does this inspiration often come from, you ask? Well, believe it or not, it frequently arrives between the pages of a book. Yes, you read that right. People are turning to inspirational books more than ever to seek solace, motivation, and guidance. With the world presenting its fair share of challenges and uncertainties, the need for inspiration has never been more prominent.

But why books, you may wonder, when there's a world of media and entertainment at our fingertips? The answer is found in the timeless power of words. Books have a special knack for whisking us away to different realms, introducing us to remarkable individuals, and offering profound insights into the human experience

Now that we've established the importance of inspiration and the unique power of reading, let's dive into the heart of the matter. We have curated a list of 10 inspirational books of all time for you to read and find that much need hope and guidance.

Whether you're on a quest for personal growth, seeking a fresh perspective on life, or just in need of a little positivity boost, these books have something extraordinary to offer. So, buckle up and get ready as we take a closer look at each of these literary gems.

Before we begin, here's how we picked them for you.

We carefully considered some key factors before selecting these inspirational books for you.

  • Diverse Perspectives: We recognize that inspiration comes in various forms. Therefore, we curated a list that includes diverse voices, perspectives, and life experiences. This ensures that there's something for everyone, regardless of their background or personal journey.
  • Timeless Wisdom: While we wanted books that resonate with the present, we also considered the timeless wisdom they offer. These books are not just any fleeting trends, they contain enduring lessons that can be applied to different phases of life.
  • Variety of Themes: Life is multifaceted, and so are our challenges and goals. We selected books that cover a wide range of themes, from resilience and self-discovery to leadership and purpose, ensuring that you can find the inspiration you need for any aspect of your life.
  • Reader Reviews: We paid close attention to reader reviews and feedback. Positive testimonials and stories of personal transformation served as strong indicators of a book's inspirational value.
  • Balanced Selection: Lastly, we aimed for a balanced selection that appeals to both those well-versed in inspirational literature and newcomers seeking their first dose of motivation.

Below are our finest recommendations

1. The Alchemist

Paul Coelho's writing is poetic and filled with metaphors that resonate with readers of all ages and all walks of life. He encourages us to pay attention to the signs the universe gives us and to have the courage to pursue our dreams, even when faced with obstacles through “The Alchemist”.

The book depicts a beautifully written adventure that follows the journey of Santiago, a shepherd boy who dreams of discovering a hidden treasure in the Egyptian pyramids. While the story is simple, its message is profound – it's about following your dreams, listening to your heart, and discovering your life's purpose.

On the quest to find the treasure that he had dreamt of, Santigo leaves on a journey to hunt it but along the way he meets many humble people like an Englishman, a thief, a beautiful girl at an oasis etc. who teach him many valuable life lessons.

Through his journey, he realises that the universe conspires to help those who are committed to their goals. Santiago also understands that the true treasure lies not just in external riches but in the wisdom and self-discovery gained during the pursuit of one's Personal Legend. Ultimately, he grasps the idea that happiness and fulfilment are found in the journey itself, not solely in reaching the destination.

This book is a reminder that our dreams are worth chasing and that the journey itself is as important as the destination. It's a source of inspiration for anyone who has ever wondered if they're on the right path in life.


  • Price: ₹ 183
  • Author: Paul Coelho
  • Genre: Fiction, Inspirational
  • Book length: 208 pages
  • Published: 1988


  • Simple and engaging writing
  • Inspiration message
  • Universal appeal
  • Timeless wisdom
  • Short and poetic


  • Some may find it too simple
  • Limited character depth
  • Short length

Readers feedback: Very late to the party in reading this book but my friend recommended it to me years ago and I’ve only just got round to purchasing it. Absolutely lovely tale - full of real deep meaning. Inspiring and thought provoking.

Why it's worth buying: With 1,40,115 global ratings, "The Alchemist" is worth buying because its universal message of pursuing dreams and self-discovery resonates deeply with readers worldwide, making it a timeless and transformative read.

Our top pick for you:

2. Ikigai

Ikigai" is a Japanese term that combines "iki," meaning life, and "gai," meaning value or worth. In essence, it's the art of finding your reason for being, your purpose in life. This book delves deep into this Japanese philosophy and presents it as a practical guide to living a fulfilling and contented life.

What makes "Ikigai" such a compelling read is its exploration of the factors that contribute to a life of happiness and longevity. The authors Héctor García and Francesc Miralles draw on research and interviews with centenarians in Okinawa, one of the world's "Blue Zones" known for its high number of healthy, long-lived individuals.

It encourages readers to reflect on their passions, talents, and what the world needs, and to find the sweet spot where these elements intersect. This is your "Ikigai." It's about discovering what brings you joy, what you're good at, what you can be paid for, and what the world needs from you.

Moreover, it highlights the importance of finding balance in your life, avoiding overwork, and nurturing meaningful social connections, all of which are central to the Japanese way of life.

It's a gentle and inspiring guide to living a more meaningful and joyful life, drawing from the wisdom of a culture known for its longevity and contentment


  • Price: ₹ 143
  • Authors: Héctor García and Francesc Miralles
  • Genre: Self-help
  • Book length: Approx 112 pages
  • Published: 2016


  • Offers practical life guidance.
  • Insightful exploration of Ikigai.
  • Draws from Japanese wisdom.
  • Inspirational and motivating.
  • Easy to understand


  • May feel repetitive.
  • Lacks in-depth cultural context

Readers feedback: I thought this book at times, was great, I really like the way this book was structured, it’s very engaging and makes you want to keep reading!

Why it's worth buying: It provides actionable insights that can lead to lasting positive changes.

Our top pick for you:

3. Atomic habits

James Clear presents a compelling argument that small changes, or what he calls "atomic habits," can lead to remarkable transformations in one's life.

The author introduces a simple yet powerful framework: the 4 Laws of behaviour change. These laws - cue, craving, response, and reward that help form the backbone of habit formation and can be applied to both creating new habits and breaking old ones.

One of the key takeaways from the book is the idea that habits are not just about what you do but who you become. Clear emphasises the importance of identity-based habits, where you focus on becoming the type of person you want to be rather than just achieving specific outcomes. This shift in mindset is a powerful catalyst for lasting change.

The book is filled with real-life examples, engaging stories, and practical exercises to help you apply the principles discussed in real life. Additionally, it addresses the common challenges and setbacks that individuals encounter on their habit-changing journeys, offering guidance on how to stay motivated, and recover from failures.

“Atomic Habits" is a must-read to begin with the tiniest of steps towards positive change.


  • Price: ₹ 412
  • Author: James clear
  • Genre: Self-help, inspirational and personal development
  • Book length: Approx 288 pages
  • Published: 2018


  • Practical, actionable advice
  • Evidence-based insights
  • Clear writing style
  • Inspiring success stories


  • May lack deep philosophical insights
  • Not for those seeking quick fixes
  • Repetitive at times

Readers feedback: I am a beginner and this is my 4th book tbh. The book is wonderful with very clear and concise writing. The idea is explained very well. The examples and language used is very relatable. Will recommend this to anyone.

Why it's worth buying: Clear, concise, and backed by science, it's your roadmap to achieving your goals through small, effective habits.

Our top pick for you:

4. The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

“The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" is a timeless self-help classic that explores the concept of the subconscious mind and its profound influence on our thoughts, behaviours, and ultimately, our lives.

Dr. Murphy argues that by maintaining a constructive outlook and affirming positive beliefs, individuals can reprogram their subconscious minds to align with their goals and aspirations. He introduces the concept of "affirmations" as a powerful tool for consciously directing the subconscious mind toward desired outcomes.

The book begins by explaining the fundamental principle that your subconscious mind acts as a powerful storehouse of beliefs, memories, and experiences. It operates tirelessly in the background, shaping your thoughts, decisions, and actions, often without your conscious awareness. Understanding and tapping into this hidden force is the key theme of the book.

So Dr, Murphy brings this idea to light by reflecting on the fact that our mind is made up of positive and negative thoughts and our subconscious mind cannot differentiate between the two, so whatever you feed your mind consistently, it simply accepts it.

The book provides numerous examples and techniques for harnessing the subconscious mind's potential to bring about positive change in various aspects of life, including health, wealth, relationships, and happiness.

It's a practical guide that provides step-by-step instructions for implementing the principles discussed.


  • Price: ₹ 115
  • Author: Dr. Joseph Murphy
  • Genre: Self-help, inspirational and personal development
  • Book length: Approx 312 pages
  • Published: 1963


  • Practical self-help guide
  • Positive affirmation techniques
  • Inspiring real-life stories
  • Accessible writing style
  • Motivates and boosts positivity


  • Simplistic at times
  • Repetitive concepts
  • Lack of scientific depth
  • Not for sceptics

Readers feedback: The book is very informative with lots of ways to use our Subconscious mind to better our lives. A great read, I highly recommend it.

Why it's worth buying: With over ten million copies sold worldwide, this book is a proven guide to achieve personal transformation.

Our top pick for you:

5. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" explores the importance of finding balance in life.

It follows through the journey of Julian Mantle, a high-powered and stressed-out lawyer who seemingly has it all: wealth, prestige, and material possessions. However, beneath the facade of success, Julian is deeply unfulfilled, stressed, and physically unwell.

Driven by a life-altering heart attack, Julian decides to embark on a soul-searching expedition to the Himalayas. There, he encounters a group of monks who lead him on a transformative quest for enlightenment, inner peace, and the true meaning of life.

Structured as a series of conversations between Julian and his old friend John, who is eager to learn the profound wisdom Julian has gained during his spiritual journey, the book is rich in wisdom, offering insights on topics such as time management, daily rituals, the power of visualisation, and the pursuit of one's passions.

Furthermore, the book emphasises the importance of self-discovery and the continuous pursuit of personal growth. It challenges readers to reflect on their own lives, values, and priorities and to take proactive steps toward creating a life that aligns with their deepest aspirations.

Robin Sharma's book has resonated with countless readers worldwide, making it a must-read for anyone seeking a path to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.


  • Price: ₹ 219
  • Author: Robin Sharma
  • Genre: Fiction, Self-help and inspirational
  • Book length: Approx 198 pages
  • Published: 1999


  • Practical self-help guide
  • Inspirational Life Lessons
  • Engaging Storytelling


  • Cliche at times
  • Lack of depth in some areas

Readers feedback: A must read for everyone and especially if you want a change within yourself. Not a book to miss if you want to read something related to self improvement and self realisation.

Why it's worth buying: It has received widespread acclaim, with an average rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars on popular book review platforms.

Our top pick for you:

6. The Secret

“The Secret" is a self-help book written by Rhonda Byrne which quickly became a global sensation, igniting discussions and debates about the power of positive thinking, the law of attraction, and the potential for manifesting one's desires.

At its core, the book explores the idea that the universe operates on the principle of the law of attraction. This principle asserts that like attracts like, meaning that your thoughts and emotions can shape your reality. In other words, if you consistently focus on positive thoughts and emotions, you can attract positive experiences and outcomes into your life.

It outlines a three-step process for harnessing the law of attraction:

  • Ask: Clearly define what you want and ask the universe for it. Be specific and visualise your desires.
  • Believe: Have unwavering faith that your desires will manifest. This involves maintaining a positive mindset and eradicating doubt and negativity.
  • Receive: Finally, be open to receiving what the universe offers. Take inspired action toward your goals and trust that your desires are on their way.

It encourages readers to express gratitude for what they already have and to visualise their desires as if they have already come true. This, the book suggests, can attract abundance and positive change into one's life.

"The Secret" has generated significant controversy and debate, with some embracing it as a life-changing philosophy and others dismissing it as pseudoscience. Regardless of one's stance, it's undeniable that the book has had a profound impact on popular culture and the self-help industry.


  • Price: ₹ 180
  • Author: Rhonda Byrne
  • Genre: Self-help and inspirational
  • Book length: Approx 198 pages
  • Published: 2006


  • Positive thinking empowerment.
  • Encourages goal visualisation.
  • Promotes gratitude and optimism
  • Simple to read and understand


  • Lack of scientific backing
  • Potential unrealistic expectations
  • May disregard real-world challenges

Readers feedback: I pick this book up every now and again when I need a bit of a lift. Sometimes all we need is a bit of hope to keep us going and this book provides that. I like that I can open any page for a boost and I don't have to read through from start to finish.

Why it's worth buying: Countless readers have reported positive transformations in their lives after embracing the principles of this book.

Our top pick for you:

7. How to Win Friends and Influence People

“How to Win Friends and Influence People" is a timeless guide to effective communication, relationship-building, and personal growth. Dale Carnegie's principles have stood the test of time because they tap into universal human needs for connection and respect.

Carnegie's approach is rooted in the idea that genuine, sincere interest in others is the key to success in both personal and professional life. He emphasises the importance of empathy, active listening, and understanding the perspectives and desires of those around us. The book offers practical advice on how to approach conversations, make a positive impression, and become a better communicator.

One of the book's central principles is the notion that people are more inclined to cooperate and engage with those who make them feel valued and appreciated.

While the book primarily focuses on enhancing social skills, it also addresses leadership and influence. Carnegie's teachings on handling criticism, avoiding arguments, and inspiring enthusiasm in others are invaluable for anyone in a leadership role, whether in business, politics, or any other field.

It is an essential read for anyone looking to improve their communication skills and build lasting relationships.


  • Price: ₹ 125
  • Author: Dale Carnegie
  • Genre: Self-help and inspirational
  • Book length: Approx 320 pages
  • Published: 1998


  • Effective social skills guide
  • Timeless wisdom
  • Provides practical advice
  • Improves Relationships
  • Boosts confidence


  • May not suit all
  • Overemphasis on praise
  • Idealisation of People
  • Readers feedback: Good book. Easy to understand. Good for people who are in Sales.
  • It can also be implemented in personal relationships

Why it's worth buying: On popular book review platforms like Goodreads and Amazon, it maintains an impressive average rating of over 4.0, reflecting its enduring appeal.

Our top pick for you:

8. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Stephen R. Covey's book is built around a set of seven core habits that he identifies as fundamental to achieving true effectiveness. These habits encompass principles of personal responsibility, proactive behaviour, interpersonal effectiveness, and continuous self-improvement.

"The 7 Habits" is the idea that true change and effectiveness start from within. Covey emphasises the importance of self-awareness and personal growth. He encourages readers to begin by cultivating habits that promote self-mastery, such as being proactive, setting clear goals, and prioritising tasks based on importance rather than urgency.

Throughout the book, Covey offers actionable advice and exercises to help readers implement these habits in their lives. He encourages individuals to proactively take control of their actions, decisions, and responses, ultimately leading to more significant influence and impact.

What makes "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" particularly powerful is its applicability to various aspects of life, from leadership and family relationships to personal well-being and goal achievement.


  • Price: ₹ 134
  • Author: Stephen R. Covey
  • Genre: Self-help and inspirational
  • Book length: Approx 320 pages
  • Published: 1998


  • Practical life principles
  • Effective personal development
  • Holistic approach
  • Improved relationships


  • Requires commitment and practice
  • Not a quick fix
  • Lengthy for busy readers

Readers feedback: Every individual must read this book if he wants to change his life.

Why it's worth buying: Boasts a 4.6/5 average rating from thousands of satisfied readers on major online retailers.

Our top pick for you:

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

  1. How do I choose a book to read?
  • Select a book based on your interests, genre preferences, and recommendations from friends or online reviews. You can also join book clubs or use book recommendation websites for personalised suggestions.
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  • Hardcover books have a durable, rigid cover, while paperbacks have a softer, more flexible cover. Hardcovers are typically more expensive but more durable, while paperbacks are more affordable and portable.
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  • Return policies vary by bookseller. Many online retailers offer return options within a specific time frame if the book is in its original condition. Check the seller's return policy for details.

In conclusion

Inspirational books have the remarkable ability to touch our hearts, spark our motivation, and guide us on a path of personal growth and positive change. They are the silent mentors, the sources of encouragement, and the companions on our course to becoming the best versions of ourselves.

Whether you seek to overcome challenges, find purpose, or simply raise your spirits, the world of inspirational literature offers a treasure trove of wisdom and inspiration.

Choose from our curated list and allow these books to be your companions on your own inspiring journey, empowering you to embrace life's challenges with resilience and live each day to its fullest potential.

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