P. Vijaya Kumar

P. Vijaya Kumar


  • From Atop The Golden Boughs

    Kalidasa’s six seasons sing out with immortal joy. Haksar’s exquisite translation cries out for being read by all for a necessary dip into India’s classical culture.

    BY P. Vijaya Kumar 18 May 2018

  • Parse The Word ‘Merit’

    An age-old system of privilege propels the Indian elite. Interrogating caste, colonialism and scholarship, these essays skewer the canker amidst us.

    BY P. Vijaya Kumar 18 November 2017

  • Fenced By The Thread

    Early 20th century saw several social reform movements in Kerala succeeding in varied degrees. Yet an undercurrent of casteism persists today to the benefit of politicians.

    BY P. Vijaya Kumar 12 August 2017

