
Upgrade Your Mind: Top Apps To Supercharge Your Mental Wellness

This guide explores some of the hottest apps designed to empower you on your mental wellness journey.

Upgrade Your Mind

In today’s demanding world, many times we find ourselves lost in the sea of thoughts and mental turmoil. While it is crucial to prioritize our mental health, the solution is not always convenient. There are ample options available, but with that said, navigating the world of mental wellness apps can be daunting in itself. This guide explores some of the hottest apps designed to empower you on your mental wellness journey.

Talk Therapy Made Easy:

Talk Therapy Made Easy

There are times you may find yourself lost and alone, and the only wish is to have someone who you could talk to without the fear of being judged. While therapy can require more commitment and may come under expensive options, these apps can help you connect with licensed therapists for affordable online video or chat sessions. Whether you are seeking individual therapy, couples counseling, or just a listening ear, these platforms offer a convenient approach to prioritizing your mental health while also making therapy accessible for everyone.


Talkspace offers a variety of therapies catering to the specific needs of individuals. The variety of services offered includes individual therapy, couples therapy, LGBTQIA+ therapy, teen therapy, and therapy for veterans. It also offers unlimited messaging therapy where you can communicate with professional therapists 24/7 in a secure private room.

Unique feature: Users can choose therapists based on their area of expertise, such as anxiety or relationships.


This platform provides access to a network of licensed therapists for online video and chat sessions. While the app comes with a reasonable price range, it also includes a feature of an individual gift membership option, with the intention of giving the gift of therapy to your loved ones.

Unique feature: Offers financial aid options for those who qualify.

Mindfulness on the Go:

In case you often find yourself stressed and overwhelmed, these mindfulness giants offer a wealth of guided meditations that are tailored to all experience levels.

Headspace: Headspace is a well-established app with a wide variety of guided meditations for beginners and advanced meditators. The app provides means to pinpoint specific goals like quality sleep or reducing stress.

Unique feature: Besides the wearable units, the Headspace app also offers heart rate monitoring during the meditation session. This type of biofeedback will help you enhance the level of your meditation practice.



In addition to the practice of quieting the mind and nurturing inner peace, the Calm app is also one of the renowned apps that have guided meditations, soundtrack sleep, and relaxing music to create a tranquil atmosphere. Unique feature: Calm provides "Calm Masterclasses" with some of the most renowned mindfulness experts teaching different classes that help with mental well-being improvement.

Tame Your Worries:

Finding yourself in the grip of anxiety? Sanvello and Worry Watch are two apps that innovatively design their assistance to help with the regulation of bad thoughts and feelings.

Feeling Anxious?


This application is developed around two basic principles: stress management and community support. The users can measure their moods, interact with an online community that gives them support, and discover ways how to fight against anxiety and stress. 

Unique feature: Sanvello provides moderated support groups where qualified specialists facilitate a safe relationship for connection with peers.

Worry Watch

This application is created to deal with anxiety and provide users with features to record their worries, identify triggers, and apply techniques to deal with anxious thoughts. 

Unique feature: Worry Watch utilizes cognitive behavioral therapy techniques (CBT) to help users overcome negative thought patterns and cope effectively with difficult situations.

Want to Track Your Mood?


A simple app for mood tracking with easy-to-use emojis and the possibility to note down reasons for the mood change and underlying triggers. 

Unique Feature: With Daylio, users can monitor other things that might change their mood like the amount of sleep they are getting or the cups of coffee they take.

Happify: Positive psychology techniques and games are used to help with building resilience, getting rid of negative thoughts, and creating happiness. Unique feature: Happify customizes your journey based on your objectives and choices, and provides a gamified solution to your happiness journey.

The ideal mental health app is the one that is customized to your individual requirements and preferences. Take the free trials or the basic features before signing up for the service or product. Although these apps may be helpful, a psychiatrist or a professional in mental health should still be consulted in the case of serious mental health issues.

Start a mental health revolution right from this moment! Pick an app, get to know its system, and then begin the exciting process of reaching peace of mind and the satisfaction of a smile on your face.

Disclaimer: The above is a contributor post, the views expressed are those of the contributor and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.




