My wife, being a medical doctor, helped me with this. She showed me some research which revealed that dietary guidelines have been proved wrong by several studies. We started following the new findings and adopted a new diet, which was to be low in carbohydrates and high in healthy fat with intermittent fasting. While the dietary guidelines had suggested high intake of carbohydrates, we bid carbohydrates a goodbye and reduced them drastically. While the guidelines suggested shunning saturated fats in the form of ghee, butter and coconut oil and use of polyunsaturated vegetable oil, we switched to high intake of saturated fats and increased intake of ghee, butter and cold pressed coconut oil. We shunned totally “heart healthy” vegetable oils and switched to consumption of omega-3 rich vegetable oils. We had a good intake of cold pressed healthy omega-3 flaxseed oil. We also shunned pure, white and deadly sugar. In brief, we were now doing exactly opposite of what the dietary guidelines suggested to the world.